
Francis’ Zanchetta Disaster

Former Orán Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, Argentina, will be sentenced on February 25. Francis produced and hushed up this case, but the oligarchs’ media ignore this because Francis is their man. A summary: …More
Former Orán Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, Argentina, will be sentenced on February 25.
Francis produced and hushed up this case, but the oligarchs’ media ignore this because Francis is their man. A summary:
July 2013: Francis makes his friend Zanchetta, 49, Orán Bishop, against the advice of his councillors. Zanchetta presented himself in Orán as a “friend of Francis.”
December 2014: Zanchetta refuses to submit to an alcohol and drug control by police while driving in Salta.
September 2015: Zanchetta's secretary finds homosex porn on Zanchetta's phone. Francis summons Zanchetta.
April 2016: Five priests write to the Nuncio accusing Zanchetta for homosexual abuses.
July 2017: Zanchetta leaves Orán for "health problems."
August 2017: Francis asks Zanchetta to resign. • December 2017: Francis employs Zanchetta at the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA) although he is also accused of embezzling. He lives in Santa Marta with Francis. • December 2018-…More
Jan Joseph
Ook een gekke Paus heeft recht op zijn eigen gebrek.
"An Argentine bishop requested massages from young men studying to be priests and stored pornographic photos on his phone..."
(Argentine bishop had porn on phone, priest says at second day of abuse trial)
Mary K Jones
Today is the feast of St. Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church. I wonder if he has helped in the conviction of Zanchetta. I pray he will help clean the priesthood in our day, as he did in his.