
The Ultimate Culprit is the Fake «Reforms» of Second Vatican Council – by Fr Philip Bruno Penguine

No one yet seems to bother to do a forensic investigation within the Church to identify the reasons for the homosexual abuses. It all goes back to the influence of Vatican II. This council was called …More
No one yet seems to bother to do a forensic investigation within the Church to identify the reasons for the homosexual abuses.
It all goes back to the influence of Vatican II. This council was called by John XXIII as a "pastoral" Council, with the indication that there would be no NEW doctrine or proclamation of "dogma" as in previous Ecumenical Councils but would bring the Church up-to-date (aggiornamento) with the "modern" world.
As a consequence "ecumenism" took on a new meaning. There was enthusiastic proclaiming of a "NEW PENTECOST" (so called Catholic Pentecostalism); there was introduction of a NEW LITURGY (Novus Ordo); a NEW understanding of the Church itself etc etc.
What was the result of so many novelties? A revival of the OLD sin.
The only thing to be retained was the absolute authority and the requirement of obedience.
I was privileged to grow up before Vatican II. I entered the seminary in the late 60s, yet the changes were only beginning in those first years. In fact …More
The uncanonical excommunication of Fr Feeney MICM was a canary in the mine, something procured by Kennedy lackey Cardinal Cushing. If you read his intro to the Bible Missal of the early '60s (I've one with pasted in autographs of various SSPX priests ranging from Bp Fellay to one Fr Abraham, a controversial priest) you can read the words of a convinced Modernist, the NOM patently couldn't come too …More
The uncanonical excommunication of Fr Feeney MICM was a canary in the mine, something procured by Kennedy lackey Cardinal Cushing. If you read his intro to the Bible Missal of the early '60s (I've one with pasted in autographs of various SSPX priests ranging from Bp Fellay to one Fr Abraham, a controversial priest) you can read the words of a convinced Modernist, the NOM patently couldn't come too soon for him. The Cardinal made sure that Massachusetts would have legal contraception with no Church opposition.

There are many similar and earlier examples. St Pius X struggled hard against this cancer, but later Pope's for all their merits, did nothing beyond what the Saintly Pope put in place. Fr Teilhard de Chardin SJ had an easy time for most of his heretical career. At least the Holy Office caught up with him.