
Comedian "Foresees" a Female Pope and Francis Kisses Him

Italian comedian Roberto Benigni addressed participants in the Vatican's "World Children's Day" on 26 May in St Peter's Square, in the presence of Francis.

He said: "Among you there may be a new Michelangelo or a new Galileo (...) And among the girls there may be a future Nobel Prize winner (...) or even a Pope".

He added: "Anything is possible here, in the Vatican we are in the Kingdom of God, and in the Kingdom of God anything is possible. Maybe an African or an Asian [...] or a girl, a woman, the first woman pope in history, it would be talked about even on the moon".

Francis embraced and kissed Benigni on stage, although everyone had been forbidden before the event to approach Bergoglio.

A few years ago, Benigni hosted a Saturday prime-time show on Italian television that consisted of rifling through men's flies or groping up guests' skirts. He also made improper references to saints such as Padre Pio.

In 2007, he mocked the Madonna by changing Dante's 33rd Canticle on Paradise with vulgar terms which are used for the female and male genitals.



Tony M
Comedian....Clown!!! Jorge's Clown!!!
There very well may be a lady Popess one day. But not of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. In a fake or false “church” perhaps. But never in the TRUE Church. In the true Roman Catholic Church there is only one woman who reigns, and she reigns as Queen and Mother.
Tony M
The Church under heretical & idol worshipping Bergoglio is that False Church!!!
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich May 13, 1820
“I saw also the relationship between the two popes. . .
I saw how baleful (harmful) would be the consequences of this false church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the city (of Rome). The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness…” …
The Church under heretical & idol worshipping Bergoglio is that False Church!!!
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich May 13, 1820
“I saw also the relationship between the two popes. . .
I saw how baleful (harmful) would be the consequences of this false church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the city (of Rome). The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness…” This False Church has already arrived. One of those two Popes has already gone to God.
la verdad prevalece
“Rome will lose the faith and will become the seat of Antichrist.” Our Lady of La Salette
Everyday for Life Canada
It’s all possible except for the truth.
"Anything is possible here"
Oh, yes, in the land of post-conciliar fables anything is possible. The friendly meeting with the cult that makes man God, the kiss on the Quran and the Fiducia supplicans faerie named Tucho prove it.
Klaus Elmar Müller
SIDE DISCUSSION: Valid Pope, and the "Ship of Peter" doesn't sink.
MAIN DISCUSSION: Children's souls are left overboard.
Ivan Tomas
Both of them should be aware of Dante's Hell.