Homosex Lobby Stronger than Francis

Francis has apologised for using the highly derogatory Italian term "frociaggine" (from Italian "frocio" = "faggot") when talking about homosexual clergy during an official meeting with Italian bishops on 20 May.

"The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologises to those who felt offended by the use of a term," the Vatican press office whined in a 28 May statement. The statement adds that according to Francis, the Church has room for "everyone, everyone", claiming that "no one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone."

Everyone knows how Francis puts these hypocritical words into practice: either you are like Francis or you are out. The Vatican never "clarifies" Francis' insults against Catholics and the Catholic faith.

Francis used "frociaggine" to supposedly oppose a proposal by Italian bishops to allow homosexuals into seminaries. However, despite the slur, he will continue to promote "faggotry" in the Church, including in seminaries.

Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsHlwrcpkyyu

Everyday for Life Canada
The Church is for everyone except for those who disagree with the progressive agenda. Has the pope apologized for anything/anyone else?
la verdad prevalece
If he were a real pope he would have to apologize to God for defying Divine Natural Law. Bergoglio challenges God and the Church.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's objective is to discredit the Church because if he bends his arm to the gay lobby he wants to imply that the Church has made a mistake in Catholic moral doctrine.
Tony Smith
1.No need to insult them, just teach Catholic teaching. 2. How about an apology to Trad Catholics.
True Mass
Sickening on every level. Check out Ann Barnharts latest on this filth.
Everyday for Life Canada
She doesn't mince words.
Dr Bobus
Gee, I wonder whether the Church"s problem of frociaggine has anything to do with the highly publicized meetings of Francis with Swingin' Jimmy Martin.
It goes well beyond that. It is that seminaries have been admiting effeminates in droves for the last 60 years. 30% of 1 million priests world wide is around 300k. That's a lot of frociaggine and Pope Francis knows it.
Dr Bobus
Not only seminaries but religious orders. I have personal experience of those situations. I could tell some stories . . .
The papal behavior goes beyond all that. His highly publicized meetings with Martin, and comments, have shown that he approves.More
Not only seminaries but religious orders. I have personal experience of those situations. I could tell some stories . . .

The papal behavior goes beyond all that. His highly publicized meetings with Martin, and comments, have shown that he approves.
We can only imagine the what goes on in some quarters, but thanks for not sharing. I agree on the Pope's behavior. He probably thinks that they are OK for ministry as long as they behave themselves, and when using the phrase frociaggina as being directed toward the ones who cruise the rainbow clubs and keep younger boyfriends, or otherwise cause some public scandal like winding up in the ER for uhm …More
We can only imagine the what goes on in some quarters, but thanks for not sharing. I agree on the Pope's behavior. He probably thinks that they are OK for ministry as long as they behave themselves, and when using the phrase frociaggina as being directed toward the ones who cruise the rainbow clubs and keep younger boyfriends, or otherwise cause some public scandal like winding up in the ER for uhm, a surgical removal procedure.
Dr Bobus
Francis is a 1970s Jesuit. Part of the SJ post neo-scholastic agenda has been to de-emphasize the importance of sex, which in the Counter Reformation has become deontological (over emphasis on duty). That is the reason for Amoris Laetitia, which is just warmed over Josef Fuchs SJ theology of Fundmental Choice.
Boanerges Boanerges
Come on, it was all planned PR, both "leaked" statement and the apology. Sodomy lobby are his friends not his enemies, after 10 years that's clear
Dr Bobus
Yes and no. As I've said before, Francis is aware that his papacy is coming to an end. His more Catholic comments are intended to try to make the next conclave more open to electing one of his favored Cardinals. It won't happen.
Billy F
More from the Gaslighting Pontificate!!!
Dog and pony show
Of course he apologized, he’s no fool. He doesn’t want to suffer the untimely fate of a John Paul I or a Cardinal Pell. He knows what side the Vatican bread is buttered on and who wields the knife that spreads it. And he only said what he said about seminarian faggotry in order to use his words and sentiments as a ploy to “calm the restless natives” among whats left of Holy Mother Church’s …More
Of course he apologized, he’s no fool. He doesn’t want to suffer the untimely fate of a John Paul I or a Cardinal Pell. He knows what side the Vatican bread is buttered on and who wields the knife that spreads it. And he only said what he said about seminarian faggotry in order to use his words and sentiments as a ploy to “calm the restless natives” among whats left of Holy Mother Church’s conservative leadership. He intended for this verbal indiscretion to soothe disquieted feelings and smooth the ruffled feathers of his growing number of naysayers after the massive Fiducia supplicans debacle as he prepares for his so-called General Synod this Fall; and he further hopes that it will impact the machinations in play now for the selection of his successor, which he knows is happening even as he speaks.