
Cardinal Marx Calls for a “Reunification” with Protestants

Munich Cardinal Marx dreams about a united Church of Catholics and Protestants.

He told the German fake news bild.de that he has been working and praying for years for the "reunification of the Christian Churches”.

Marx' critics argue that he, indeed, is ready to unite with the Protestants because his personal beliefs are more in line with them than with the Catholic Faith.

Picture: Reinhard Marx, © Maik Meid, CC BY-SA, #newsIsuhmiypyu
It is a real irony because Luther viewed the Church as the “whore of Babylon” and the Pope as the Antichrist.
Does this man like the One True Church of Jesus Christ established on the Rock of St Peter?
Let's take a step backward for a minute and examine him for what he is.
He does not rest, until he's achieved his objective, to bring to ruination the Truths of the Faith, the ones held true and believed in by the entire Church for 2000 years.. He smirks as every obstacle to his agenda seems to melt away …More
Does this man like the One True Church of Jesus Christ established on the Rock of St Peter?
Let's take a step backward for a minute and examine him for what he is.

He does not rest, until he's achieved his objective, to bring to ruination the Truths of the Faith, the ones held true and believed in by the entire Church for 2000 years.. He smirks as every obstacle to his agenda seems to melt away before his singularly unholy gaze. Smugly bantering with his friends to keep going since all is within their grasp.

Why do they do it? Why lay waste the truth commonly known to be necessary to ensure salvation. Knowing it must be held fast to, or they and their "flocks" will all perish?

This is their plan. They establish their own Kingdoms on the ruins of the Church that Christ founded and in doing so they accomplish a hitherto impossible goal to make Christ subservient to THEIR REAL master, the Devil.

These Satanic inspired false clergy, practice what they preach. All is unholy, all is a lie! When their time comes, they will wish they had averted the disaster that overwhelms them, but by then, it will be too late for them to say sorry. At such a time, they WILL repent.
Then they will realise that they gained NOTHING but eternal regrets.
To Irish eyes that orange scarf is very like a (protestant) Loyalist sash. I hope the cardinal in his eargerness for the reconciliation with the protestants hasn't started to 'kick with the other foot' as we say on our little island.
Odet de Coligny, Cardinal de Châtillon, converted to Protestantism and was duly excommunicated in 1562. He could be an example to Marx.
Illumination des consciences
He is part of the masonic cardinals who want to kill catholic faith
Illumination des consciences
He prepares the One World Religion. He is dangerous !
A reunification would meant he Catholic Church then becomes protestant. Go ahead, cardinal, you will feel right at home in such a ,"church". As for me, I'm Catholic and will remain so
Are they converting to catholicism ? if they are no problem