
25 Victims of Francis’ “Mercy”

Luisella Scrosati (LaNuovaBQ.it, 20 November) published a summary of ten years of purges by Francis. These are his victims: • May 2014: Archbishop José Luis Mollaghan (Rosario, Argentina), then 68. •…More
Luisella Scrosati (LaNuovaBQ.it, 20 November) published a summary of ten years of purges by Francis. These are his victims:
• May 2014: Archbishop José Luis Mollaghan (Rosario, Argentina), then 68.
• September 2014: Bishop Roger Ricardo Livieres (Ciudad del Este, Paraguay), then 69.
• November 2014: Cardinal Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, then 66.
• November 2015: Bishop Oscar Sarlinga (Zárate-Campana, Argentina), then 52.
• September 2016: Bishop Mario Oliveri (Albenga-Imperia, Italy), then 72.
• September 2016: Curia Bishop Joseph Clemens, former secretary of Cardinal Ratzinger, then 69.
• June 2017: Archbishop Alfredo Zecca (Tucumán, Argentina), then 67. • July 2017: Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the CDF, then 69. • June 2018: Archbishop Héctor Aguer (La Plata, Argentina), then 75. • October 2018: Bishop Martin David Holley (Memphis, USA), then 63. • January 2019: Curia Archbishop Guido Pozzo (Ecclesia Dei), then 67 • June 2019: Bishop Francesco Cavina (Carpi …More
Tony M
Continuing to give Jorge the benefit of the doubt is an exercise in absurdity!!!
See: "Is The Pope Catholic?" -- a conference seeking the Truth about the "Two Popes." (youtube.com)
Speakers: Archbishop Vigano....Fr Paul Kramer....Dr Edmond Mazza....Ann Barnhardt....Elizabeth Yore.
This is a must see conference!!!
Everyday for Life Canada
That’s a great deal of pastoral accompaniment.
I can find no reference to the following names you listed in Scrosati's article:
Archbishop Jose Luis Mollaghan
Bishop Oscar Sarlinga
Archbishop Alfredo Zecca
Bishop Ruben Oscar FrassiaMore
I can find no reference to the following names you listed in Scrosati's article:
Archbishop Jose Luis Mollaghan
Bishop Oscar Sarlinga
Archbishop Alfredo Zecca

Bishop Ruben Oscar Frassia