
Archbishop Plans His Career, "Apologises" To Homosexuals

Rijeka Coadjutor Archbishop Mate Uzinić, 53, Croatia, "apologised" to homosexuals because they may still "feel" rejected by the Church. In a perfidious way, Uzinić presented Catholics as people who …More
Rijeka Coadjutor Archbishop Mate Uzinić, 53, Croatia, "apologised" to homosexuals because they may still "feel" rejected by the Church.
In a perfidious way, Uzinić presented Catholics as people who want to “serve Christ and the Church with discrimination, aggression and violence targeting homosexual people” (Rte.ie, May 17).
He quoted Francis' controversial Amoris Laetitia (2016) that “every person, regardless of sexual orientation, ought to be respected” - as if this were the issue. Adding insult to perfidy, he said that "I regret that there are still Catholics who do not agree with this.”
The anti-Catholic Wikipedia.com calls Uzinić "moderate," a description which the Church's enemies use for prelates and theologians who play their game.
It can safely be assumed that Uzinić's statement is part of his career planning in the hope that the homosex Vatican will remember him when Zagreb Cardinal Josip Bozanić, 72, will retire in about five years.
In Croatia where 90% of the 4 million …More
another heretic "bishop"