
Germans Create "Church" According To Their Own Image – Burke

The German "Synodal Way" is "very much" connected with the Amazon Synod, Cardinal Burke told FirstThings.com (September 27). He explains, that the proponents of the Amazon Synod's working document are …More
The German "Synodal Way" is "very much" connected with the Amazon Synod, Cardinal Burke told FirstThings.com (September 27).
He explains, that the proponents of the Amazon Synod's working document are Germans: This text is a "direct attack" on Christ's Lordship and "an apostasy" that says, "You already have the answers, and Christ is just one among many sources of answers."
Further, Burke urges to stop the German Synodal Way "before greater harm is done to the faithful," because it is "not valid at all," "basically outside the Church" and "attempting to create a church according to their own image and likeness."
Burke's hope today is the "liturgical renewal among the young," because many young priests and seminarians "don’t buy this revolution" and are attracted to the Latin Liturgy.
Picture: Raymond Burke, © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsIudavigayh
Vatican ll council is the great apostacy which has created its church in its own image and likeness, which is outside of the Church. Not the German synodal way, the synodal way of German bishops is just the fruit of vatican ll council. Cardinal Burke how long will your eyes be open you are part of this great apostacy and this evil revolution in the church as a conservative in this apostat vatican …More
Vatican ll council is the great apostacy which has created its church in its own image and likeness, which is outside of the Church. Not the German synodal way, the synodal way of German bishops is just the fruit of vatican ll council. Cardinal Burke how long will your eyes be open you are part of this great apostacy and this evil revolution in the church as a conservative in this apostat vatican II church, conservatives and liberals are in the same boat of revolution.
Germans poison the water that flows into the Tiber.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
So true
Yes Burke, it's just the Germans. Nothing to do with Rome or Francis. He insults the seat of Peter. The vicar of Christ has the power to correct this but Burke refuses to even admonish Francis for his blatant heresy and destruction of the Church. Is it because Francis is not really the true pope as it obviously seems to everyone and Burke knows this? Why the inaction of these so called conservative …More
Yes Burke, it's just the Germans. Nothing to do with Rome or Francis. He insults the seat of Peter. The vicar of Christ has the power to correct this but Burke refuses to even admonish Francis for his blatant heresy and destruction of the Church. Is it because Francis is not really the true pope as it obviously seems to everyone and Burke knows this? Why the inaction of these so called conservative bishops who pretend to defend Christ and his Church?