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Liturgische Erneuerung in Italien. .Mehr
Liturgische Erneuerung in Italien.

Es ist kein Wunder wenn unsere liebe Mutter Tränen vergiesst ab so vieler ihrer Priestersöhne, welche sich als Clowns betätigen, anstatt ihre Anempfohlenen zum wahren Glauben zu führen. Wie Arm ist doch der Mensch geworden.
This is what a catholic priest should NEVER DO. This is certainly not the catholic church but more like a protestant service. The church clearly states that this kind of behavior and music should never be used nor introduced inside the church at all. Where are these people going to or heading to? We need to pray more and sacrifice more for them, the battle nowadays is terrible and it will become …Mehr
This is what a catholic priest should NEVER DO. This is certainly not the catholic church but more like a protestant service. The church clearly states that this kind of behavior and music should never be used nor introduced inside the church at all. Where are these people going to or heading to? We need to pray more and sacrifice more for them, the battle nowadays is terrible and it will become worst as the time approaches for the apparition of the Antichrist, the apostasy or schism in the church is standing but not public yet. May God have mercy on all of us. God Bless.
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Gott bleibt immer dieselbe vollkommene Liebe.
Deshalb schreit der Teufel : "Erneuern", dann die Erneuerung nochmals reformieren, dann reformiert man die Ernneuerung, und dann ruft man ein Konzil zusammen, um die Reformation der Erneuerung zu erneuern. Später muss jederman diese Erneuerungen reformieren, und dann noch Mal erneuern. Und so sind die Kirchen am Ende wieder voll... Leere
Vinyiczky Bence
Jn. 2, 16:
Nolite facere domum patris mei, domum negotiationis.
Nerobte z domu môjho Otca tržnicu. /alebo kinoteátr/
Make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.
Macht das Haus meines Vaters nicht zu einer Markthalle!Mehr
Jn. 2, 16:
Nolite facere domum patris mei, domum negotiationis.

Nerobte z domu môjho Otca tržnicu. /alebo kinoteátr/

Make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

Macht das Haus meines Vaters nicht zu einer Markthalle!
Strašné!!!!!!!!!! Mamma mia katastrofe
😡 😡 😡 😡
🤨 🤮 🤮 🤬
🤬 🤬 🤬 🙏 🙏 🙏
Francesco Federico
Maria Medeiros
God have mercy on us .
Ben Martin
What is with the Fagot!!
L'irresponsabilità di questi indegni ministri di Dio è enorme, con la loro condotta deviata contribuiscono alla dannazione di tante anime.
Ormai siamo in capitolazione. E c'è chi osserva, e si sfrega le mani con sottile piacere.Mehr
L'irresponsabilità di questi indegni ministri di Dio è enorme, con la loro condotta deviata contribuiscono alla dannazione di tante anime.

Ormai siamo in capitolazione. E c'è chi osserva, e si sfrega le mani con sottile piacere.
Maurizio Muscas
Anche tanto in alto.....
Sarà un buffone, ma nella Chiesa d'oggi i buffoni vanno lontano...
Maurizio Muscas
Que ridicoli, questi tipi... tanto il „sacerdote“, quanto il filmatore... 🤮 Forse hanno mangiato troppo picante, o stanno ubbriaqui...? 🤐 😁
Jésus Fils de Dieu
😊 😲