Viganò posts link to Michael Vorris to argue against Sodomy....
All Saints
One is known by the company one keeps. Strike two!
English Catholic
@All Saints - please excuse my ignorance - what do you mean by Strike two? Also, I wonder if Abp Vigano is aware of Voris's past?
All Saints
First, he aligns himself with the Bp. Williamson clan who think that they are the chosen to save The Church and the world. Then with Voris who also thinks himself to be savior of the same. A lack of wisdom and prudence. I would be very surprised to find he does not know of Vorisk history.
English Catholic
@All Saints, ah OK, I see what you mean - The Voris saga was published everywhere, it would have been difficult to miss it.
James Manning
It's like he's in a race to ruin his credibility.
English Catholic
It seems not a few people are being taken in by 'Souls and Liberty'. IT'S MICHAEL VORIS Who We Are | Souls and Liberty
Voris breaks his Twitter silence by lecturing theologically. Homo-narcissist....
English Catholic
@DefendTruth Just keep reminding people that 'Souls and Liberty' is, in fact, him. It will all end in tears again, trust me. He'll revert to type at some point - although he may be more circumspect this time round - but it will all be exposed and there will be more scandal. But the gullible still keep feeding him money. Voris has lost the credibility to lecture any of us. On anything.
@English Catholic I couldn't agree more. Thanks for this comment.