Wonderful Diversity: OFM Provincial Proclaims His "Homosexuality"

Father Markus Fuhrmann, OFM, head of the 200-member German Franciscan Province, has told urbi et orbi that he is a "homosexual". He explained his confession to Katholisch.de (12 March) by saying that …More
Father Markus Fuhrmann, OFM, head of the 200-member German Franciscan Province, has told urbi et orbi that he is a "homosexual".
He explained his confession to Katholisch.de (12 March) by saying that "I had to change something for the sake of my own honesty". Katholisch.de is run by the German bishops.
Already in January 2022, Fuhrmann took part in 'OutInChurch', a homosexual propaganda campaign by about 120 employees of the "Catholic" Church in Germany, which employs about 650,000 people (including 'Caritas').
Five months later, when the provincial chapter had to elect a new provincial, Fuhrmann was one of the candidates. Before his election, he warned the capitulars that his "sexual orientation" was no longer a secret: "If you elect me, you'll have a publicly outed provincial. Think about it". His confreres responded with applause and elected him.
The fact that practiced homosexuality is a sin is, for Fuhrmann, a "discriminatory statement" that does not reflect "the reality of life". …More
Opera 369
Oh, and what is so .."news" about that? ? Urbi et Orbi would only be shocked if any cleric, father, bishop, franciscan friar or whatever else..came out and yelled: "I am a pure, natural person, in God's image and I will be faithful to my God given nature!" This would really be the shocking news, at present!
They are running down the road of perdition with "gay" abandon, refusing to see that the jaws of hell are open wide ready to swallow them for eternity. Anyone who rejects the teaching of the Apostles in any way is an apostate and their soul is in mortal peril.
la verdad prevalece
This is further evidence that this schismatic sect of homosexuals who rebel against God and against the Church are in full communion with the apostate Bergoglio. What shows us the 'inverted schism' of those who, in rebellion against God, join Bergoglio and separate themselves from God and the Church. The schismatic and apostate Walter Kasper now acts as a false Catholic resistance against the German …More
This is further evidence that this schismatic sect of homosexuals who rebel against God and against the Church are in full communion with the apostate Bergoglio. What shows us the 'inverted schism' of those who, in rebellion against God, join Bergoglio and separate themselves from God and the Church. The schismatic and apostate Walter Kasper now acts as a false Catholic resistance against the German synod when we know that it says that homosexuality is not a sin. The German Option of the Argentine Pope
The Priesthood is filthy. Oh for a Holy Pope to cleanse it. 😢😭😭
Throw the bum out!
P. O'B
If you are proud of a mortal sin, you cannot be forgiven.
Evil always seeks to manifest itself.
Good is evil and evil good…. These are the times we live in and the Lord is not pleased…read the Old Testament if you want yo know what is next…
So basically this heretic pretending to be a Catholic priest, is saying it's "ok" to break the commandments because God is out of touch with His children....we're not the same as in the days of Moses (when the people were backward and not evolved I guess). Wow, will this man even recognize God on judgment day or will he leap into the arms of satan his mentor?
James Parker
Father Markus Fuhrmann, OFM would do well to talk to us members of Courage internationally, and especially to those of us who for years lived and practiced the gay lifestyle, taking on worldly labels like “homosexual” and “gay” instead of pursuing The Truth as Children of God. We wasted years in the cesspit of the homosexual mindset whilst God’s grace patiently waited for us…
Homosexuality is …More
Father Markus Fuhrmann, OFM would do well to talk to us members of Courage internationally, and especially to those of us who for years lived and practiced the gay lifestyle, taking on worldly labels like “homosexual” and “gay” instead of pursuing The Truth as Children of God. We wasted years in the cesspit of the homosexual mindset whilst God’s grace patiently waited for us…
Homosexuality is unquestionably the fruit of stunted or damaged emotional development at a significant level. Those of us who surrendered to the Cross, to the Sacraments, and to the Church’s Magisterium have found inner wisdom and freedom from this diabolical scourge.
Lord, have mercy on the German Franciscans!
la verdad prevalece
@James Parker These people are a legion, a mafia that seeks to corrupt. The Bible advises fleeing from bad company. Don Bosco advised surrounding the bad with good people so that they have the opportunity to abandon sin and convert, but this approach has to be in a group, because their initial tendency is not to convert but to corrupt others.
Aaron Aukema
Presuming his ordination is valid, his heresy does not make him a pretend priest. It makes him a heretic who has no office in the Catholic Church.
la verdad prevalece
@James Parker That is to say that to catch these fish, fasting, prayer and the intervention of a group of rescuers firm in faith and of course divine intervention are needed. I highly recommend devotion to Saint Peter Damian and the Uganda Martyrs.
la verdad prevalece
@Aaron Aukema Markus Fuhrmann is a heretic, an apostate and a schismatic. Markus is challenging God and the Church. Saint Alphonsus Mary of Liguori says that the Sin of a Priest is equivalent to the sin of apostate angels, so obstinacy in this sin also makes this sin a serious sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.