
Famous Sister Elvira Has Died

Sister Elvira Petrozzi, 86, who founded the Cenacolo Community in 1983, died on August 3 in Saluzzo, Italy. Her community has successfully cared for thousands of young drug addicts who wanted to get …More
Sister Elvira Petrozzi, 86, who founded the Cenacolo Community in 1983, died on August 3 in Saluzzo, Italy. Her community has successfully cared for thousands of young drug addicts who wanted to get sober.
Overconfident in her own salvation, Sister Elvira prepared her people for her death already years ago. She repeadely said,
"When they say: ‘Elvira has died!’, you must sing, dance, celebrate… because I am alive! Woe to you if you say: ‘Poor her….’ No, not ‘poor her’ at all! I'll go on singing, I’m already singing! Something magnificent will open up before me… life doesn't die!”
Please pray for us, Sister Elvira!