Gloria TV News on the 18th of November. Sophia Institute Press and Catholic Exchange Go Together Obama Promotes Abortion in Kenya Pro-Life Hero Threatened With Jail A New Kind of RosaryMore
Gloria TV News on the 18th of November.
Sophia Institute Press and Catholic Exchange Go Together
Obama Promotes Abortion in Kenya
Pro-Life Hero Threatened With Jail
A New Kind of Rosary
The Catholic Church requires that the remains of the dead be reverently interred, for example, placed in a tomb or a columbarium. Even in a burial at sea, the remains are not allowed to be "scattered." It is completely forbidden to keep the cremated remains on display in the living room, on the mantle or on a coffee table. It seems harder and harder for people to appreciate our Catholic funeral …More
The Catholic Church requires that the remains of the dead be reverently interred, for example, placed in a tomb or a columbarium. Even in a burial at sea, the remains are not allowed to be "scattered." It is completely forbidden to keep the cremated remains on display in the living room, on the mantle or on a coffee table. It seems harder and harder for people to appreciate our Catholic funeral traditions.

The latest trend, also contrary to Christian practice, is to divide the person's remains among friends and relatives, and to make them into pieces of jewelry. This news article from Korea shows that Catholic culture and Catholic sensibilities continue to deteriorate into a kind of modern paganism It is not a good development.
Holy Cannoli
Acting as one's own lawyer is not wise. Mary Wagner is entitled to a zealous defense and, for that, she should agree to experienced legal counsel. I am sure there are many strong pro-life Canadian lawyers who would want to help her pro-bono.
I hope she reconsiders unless she believes she could be more effective in jail.
Thanks for the news, Lucia.
Acting as one's own lawyer is not wise. Mary Wagner is entitled to a zealous defense and, for that, she should agree to experienced legal counsel. I am sure there are many strong pro-life Canadian lawyers who would want to help her pro-bono.

I hope she reconsiders unless she believes she could be more effective in jail.
Thanks for the news, Lucia.

Gosh.... 🙄 Rosaries of the dead? One is quite uncertain of the merits of having grandmum in the form of a rosary, clutching her, while praying..... 🤨
Will God hear ones prayer more clearly, or answer more swiftly? One can only wonder... 🤨
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