BREAKING: Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò with schism for 'denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis …

(LifeSiteNews) — The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has instigated an “…
Credo .
Therefore we leave it to Divine Judgement as to the behavior of any Pope. ~ "For who knoweth the mind of God?"
Ivan Tomas
It's not about behaviour, it's about usurpation of papacy.
Carol H
Pope Ivan Tomas - we the people (well the sensible ones) declare you an usurper 🤪
Carol H
We know there are precedencies in the past when a defender of the faith was unjustly declared excommunicated - eg. Saint Athanasius, Archbishop Lefebvre, Saint Mary Mackillop. And they were unjust charges because the person in question was either misjudged or was forced to disobey an unjust directive against the faith. Now Archbishop Vigano has made a public declaration against the legitimacy of …More
We know there are precedencies in the past when a defender of the faith was unjustly declared excommunicated - eg. Saint Athanasius, Archbishop Lefebvre, Saint Mary Mackillop. And they were unjust charges because the person in question was either misjudged or was forced to disobey an unjust directive against the faith. Now Archbishop Vigano has made a public declaration against the legitimacy of Pope Francis as Pope. This is a direct attack on the Principle of Authority in Religion which lies at the very core of our Catholic belief. This principle is what guarantees the truthfulness of our Churches teaching down through the ages. If as Canon 751 tells us, the crime of schism is the withdrawal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or from communion with the members of the Church subject to him, then, as according to Canon Law 1364.1, a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication. It's that clear.

Without the principle of authority, we are no better than protestants who view every perceived injustice through the lens of their own private judgment; we deny the reality and sufficiency of the authority principle which Christ Himself instituted - Upon this Rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it - in favor of trusting our own judgment and acting outside of our station. Moreover we set a precedent - and therefore a public scandal - for subjects to declare judgment on their superiors. The Church is a hierarchy governed by Divine Laws. So Sedevacantists - take your socialism back to the hell hole from whence it arose.
Ivan Tomas
Tell that to st. Catharine of Siena.
Carol H
St. Catharine of Siena was defending the true Pope against a usurper who was NOT the pope. If you are going to make a case, please let it apply to the discussion at hand.
True Mass
Carol ... blah blah blah blah blah blah. Go on.
Carol H
Well, I guess it easy for you to spell 😉
Ivan Tomas
Exactly as you say yourself, yet you don't understand it.
Carol H
Which part of Canon Law do I not understand? Pray, enlighten me.
Ivan Tomas
All of this, and much more is coming to the faithful with thanks to paper tigers, who are not doing their job, but waiting to be done by God. Which is of course, wrong, weak, and pathetic.
Only Vigano, Gracida and Lenga, as far as I know, were and are the true defenders of the Catholic Church.
As once in past it were Athanasius the Great and Lefebre.
A call to arms for Catholics worldwide to support in prayer and sacrifice our beloved and courageous Archbishop. No allegation of schism is possible based upon a 'denial of legitimacy' against Francis whose supposed election to the Papacy is well and truly invalidated by the Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis. CASE DISMISSED.
Live Mike
Naomi Arai
Well then that’s pretty much all of us. Vigano is the only one who isn’t waffling.
Are there any updates at the end of the day on June 20?
True Mass
Remember when Matt was selling those V is for Vigano tee-shirts? Sometimes the truth is too hot even for the good guys.
Carol H
No. It's when truth steps over the line into untruth. That's when its too hot to handle for the good guys.
Ivan Tomas
Good one means not always a brave one.
And you should now, only God is good.
Carol H
?? I'm simply using your term.
True Mass
God Bless and protect Archbishop Vigano
He got so hot over the target that long time trusted friends like Michael Matt even distanced from him. Very sad.
Carol H
Yes, it is very sad. Archbishop Vigano has a lot of offer and was well admired by many. But he crossed a very serious line that no Catholic can follow over.
Ivan Tomas
Do you know how many tick red lines Bergoglio crossed?
That even the heretics can't follow over. Let alone the true Catholics.
Are you aware of any?
Carol H
I'm sure there are many on a personal level. But you and I - and Archbishop Vigano - have NO authority to declare on a Superior. And Pope Francis remains your superior in the eyes of God until another Pope or a council of bishops formally declares him to be an anti-pope. The Catholic Church is not a democracy. Socialism has no place in the Kingdom of God.