Francis Celebrates Covid-Good-Friday. From the stations of the Cross, Good Friday, 2020More
Francis Celebrates Covid-Good-Friday.
From the stations of the Cross, Good Friday, 2020
Novella Nurney
This , this effeminate, Protestant, eucumenical, self-serving, virtue signaling claptrap is an absolute abomination. Lord have Mercy!
Novella Nurney
Hey, they have 2 " Doctors " a " nurse", a" policeman ", two " men" in faded jeans , a priest, etcetera. Where is an actual WOMAN, you know the kind , wears feminine clothing to religious services ( at a minimum) is frequently a Mother, strives to emulate The Blessed Virgin Mary, etc.?
You mean a woman wearing a long skirt and a ma.. ma... mantilla? At a circus where Pope Francis is the ring-master? That's "Rigid"!
Novella Nurney
@Ultraviolet , I would have settled for below the knee skirt and chapel veil, but a mantilla would have been akin to critical mass overload for these " folks". I've always wanted a mantilla, but they are difficult to get in good quality, something that doesnt look like a polyester tablecloth in other words,
Good quality -is- the operative word! I'm surprised you're having difficulty finding them. These are mighty nice...
Etsy is jammed with them, too.More
Good quality -is- the operative word! I'm surprised you're having difficulty finding them. These are mighty nice...

Etsy is jammed with them, too.
Novella Nurney
@Ultraviolet, I do have a couple from Amazon, not to get to personal on the matter but my biggest issue with finding a veil I like has to do with my hair. I have really thick curly long hair, (extends to lower back ) that tends to get frizzy no matter the absurd amount of oils, conditioners, etc. that are applied wearing it down is difficult . So I usually wear it up, in a bun or some kind of twist …More
@Ultraviolet, I do have a couple from Amazon, not to get to personal on the matter but my biggest issue with finding a veil I like has to do with my hair. I have really thick curly long hair, (extends to lower back ) that tends to get frizzy no matter the absurd amount of oils, conditioners, etc. that are applied wearing it down is difficult . So I usually wear it up, in a bun or some kind of twist, which looks nice until I put a viel over it. At that point I look similar to one of the aliens in " Mars Attacks" except with a lace thingy covering my big head. So when I was thinking " mantilla " I was thinking more something along the lines of this lovely mantilla with comb. So, what I wish I looked like in a mantilla |

Versus ( see below, what I actually look like) Either way ,I dont see this going over well at my FSSP parish , unless perhaps I confine myself to the last row. Or perhaps offer my head as a booster seat for children. ( No sacrilege intended, it just seems rather amusing to me)

I may not leave this post up for long as it has nothing to do with the original post.
Several ladies within the parish have similarly (in my opinion) lovely hair, @Novella Nurney But long, thick, curly hair is heavy hair, so I can sympathize with your reluctance at wearing it down. That "pull" at the back of your neck is distracting, especially when you're entirely focused on the Mass.
They've adopted a few approaches to dealing with this problem. Try loosely braiding to confine …More
Several ladies within the parish have similarly (in my opinion) lovely hair, @Novella Nurney But long, thick, curly hair is heavy hair, so I can sympathize with your reluctance at wearing it down. That "pull" at the back of your neck is distracting, especially when you're entirely focused on the Mass.

They've adopted a few approaches to dealing with this problem. Try loosely braiding to confine the back and sides, then drape the 'tail' over whichever shoulder looks best. This should take the pressure off your scalp, too. Pin/ clip it to the shoulder to keep it in place. Similar to this...


The tucked low bun also works but if your hair is really "huge", it might not.


One lady, a Greek, has mega-locks. Her hair is like Merida in Disney's "brave" She goes for a loose braid, then doubles it up with some pins to hold it in place. Her idea of hairpin are about the size of my big cooking chopsticks. :D Even with her hair "bobbed up" a mantlla looks like a cape flowing on her head so she started wearing a chapel cap instead. One of these...


Hope this helps! :)
Novella Nurney
Thank you so very much! It should help a great deal, especially with the 100% humidity coming up soon in my area. As I grow older I have lost the patience to spend extended lengths of time taming my hair. However, I will not leave the house , especially for mass or solemn services in disarray. I am in awe of women that can braid thier own hair in elaborate, elegant styles in 5 minutes flat. Thank …More
Thank you so very much! It should help a great deal, especially with the 100% humidity coming up soon in my area. As I grow older I have lost the patience to spend extended lengths of time taming my hair. However, I will not leave the house , especially for mass or solemn services in disarray. I am in awe of women that can braid thier own hair in elaborate, elegant styles in 5 minutes flat. Thank you again for the links and the time you invested to assist me.
While the term has a very different Biblical meaning, even in modern usage, this is literally the "abomination of desolation." A Church in darkness, an empty abandoned Church, the sacrifice of Christ rendered empty and sterile and void. They wouldn't even use a proper crucifix, shades of Pope Francis' future "ecumenical" outreach to the Lutherans.
let me understand this, reading the link you provided, no priest ordained since 1968 is validly ordained. So if we assume that most priests are at least 26 years old before being ordained, then any priest younger than 78 is not really a priest. Therefore all of the sacraments they administered are not valid which means most of us are not baptised and are therefor going to hell. Also all confessions …More
let me understand this, reading the link you provided, no priest ordained since 1968 is validly ordained. So if we assume that most priests are at least 26 years old before being ordained, then any priest younger than 78 is not really a priest. Therefore all of the sacraments they administered are not valid which means most of us are not baptised and are therefor going to hell. Also all confessions to those priest are invalid, so if we committed a single mortal sin then we are going to hell.
When Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail, did he misspeak?
You don't understand it. You should not make such erroneous public comments. Read more from the website so you are not making fool out of yourself.
(Edit), from following article:
"Conclusion: As long as the person baptizing in the Novus Ordo Church pours water and uses the essential form – “I baptize thee, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” – with the intention to …More
You don't understand it. You should not make such erroneous public comments. Read more from the website so you are not making fool out of yourself.

(Edit), from following article:

"Conclusion: As long as the person baptizing in the Novus Ordo Church pours water and uses the essential form – “I baptize thee, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” – with the intention to do what the Church does, then the baptism is valid, despite these other problems in the surrounding rite."

frawley you must understand KristianKeller is 1.) a sedevacantist crackpot 2.) a shill for "vatican-not-so-catholic/ most-holy-whatever". It's either their own site or they're paid to promote it. All that creep ever does is shill the same site. They're running two different domain names, a youtube channel and a twitter. All KristianKellery does is make a few remarks about the post to pretend it's …More
frawley you must understand KristianKeller is 1.) a sedevacantist crackpot 2.) a shill for "vatican-not-so-catholic/ most-holy-whatever". It's either their own site or they're paid to promote it. All that creep ever does is shill the same site. They're running two different domain names, a youtube channel and a twitter. All KristianKellery does is make a few remarks about the post to pretend it's "relevant" and then spams one of those URLs.

"Read more from the website so you are not making fool out of yourself."

...that's the only reason they post on GTV: "read more from the website". Classic shill tactics. If you want a contextual reference to what KristianKeller is doing, old time carnival operators call this the "Bozo act". Bozo the clown sits on the dunk tank bench and insults people walking by. They get angry and buy balls to hit the bulls-eye and drop the clown into the tank. Replace "buy balls" with "read more from the site" and you've got KristianKeller's entire act.

Now I'm going to drop this particular little shill-clown and his rubbish into the tank. Like so. WHY THE NEW RITE OF EPISCOPAL CONSECRATION IS VALID Fr. Pierre-Marie, O.P.


kristiankeller, please be clear then so that I do no make a "fool" out of myself. Are priests ordained after Saint Pope Paul the sixth issued the current rite in 1968 validly ordained?
They are not validly ordained. I need to point out to you, that Paul VI was an antipope, he was not a saint. Have a look on introductory video at the website.
Ultraviolet. You are a fraud. If time allows, I will expose you in seperate article on my blog here on gloria.tv.
I looked over your website again and have two quick questions. Was Pope John XXIII also an antipope for starting the second vatican council? And secondly, I am not sure that I understand the promotion of St Padre Pio (the website sells a book about his life) considering his long and close relationship with St John Paul II dating back to the 1940's
Relationship. Credible or not, we are in the world. We are not all knowing. We cannot read thoughts. We can even attend the same school/hospital/market & people are bought with 💰at a point in their life or are influenced into a secret job by a close friend 💰💰. A wolf in a sheep's clothing (infiltration of the Church 💰💰💰) is not a wolf in a wolf's clothing.
@frawley all manner/sorts of people visited Padre Pio. Lame, blind, healthy, wealthy, freemason, occults, homosexuals, and so on.
Using your standard of not being all knowing and not being able to read others thoughts, you seem to be saying that it is possible that Padre Pio himself could have been a wolf in sheeps clothing working to destroy the church. Are you a wolf in sheeps clothing? Is everyone a wolf in sheeps clothing? I think we should discuss facts and not trade possibilities.
If it were to be correct that the last few popes were not valid and therefore the cardinals they elevated are not legit, and any cardinals that were elevated by a valid pope are either dead or beyond voting age, how would we select a valid pope?
You'll find answers to your questions here: vaticancatholic.com
@frawley who made it a fact? Give me an evidence of the 'fact' of the relationship since you like to discuss facts and not fables.
"All manner/sorts of people visited Padre Pio. Lame, blind, healthy, wealthy, freemason, occults, homosexuals, and so on."
It is not my website, I do not run it. Padre Pio was not friend with John Paul II, that is a lie.
John Paul II was not a valid pope, but antipope; he promoted religious indifferentism, false ecumenism and blasphemed God. He taught that every man on Earth is Jesus Christ, taught doctrine of antichrist. Padre Pio was a saintly priest; there are lot of rumours and stories that are made up, including …More
It is not my website, I do not run it. Padre Pio was not friend with John Paul II, that is a lie.
John Paul II was not a valid pope, but antipope; he promoted religious indifferentism, false ecumenism and blasphemed God. He taught that every man on Earth is Jesus Christ, taught doctrine of antichrist. Padre Pio was a saintly priest; there are lot of rumours and stories that are made up, including him being close to antipope John Paul II and predicting he would be a pope. You are being deceived into believing that Antipope John Paul II and others were saints. No, they were not saints, but wicked antipopes who practised religious indiferentism, promoted idolatry and esteemed false religions. With antipope John Paul II, is noteworthy to point out that he had built temples for false religions, he was temple builder for false gods, that is a fact.
Following video is short, I believe a must see, and answers a lot of questions you might have. Keep looking to the website, and pray 15 decades of Rosary each day. For salvation you have to be a Catholic, that means traditional Catholic, and believe all of the dogmas of Catholic Church, mainly dogma Outside of Church There is No Salvation, on necessity of water baptism, papacy, papal infallibility, etc. .
Video: www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/…/antichrist-reve…

Antipope John XXIII was freeemasonic infiltrator, he was an antipope.
@Pattfm I have to refute you. What you wrote here does not make any sense.
"A wolf in a sheep's clothing (infiltration of the Church 💰💰💰) is not a wolf in a wolf's clothing"
That does not make any sense.More
@Pattfm I have to refute you. What you wrote here does not make any sense.

"A wolf in a sheep's clothing (infiltration of the Church 💰💰💰) is not a wolf in a wolf's clothing"

That does not make any sense.
I understand @Pattfm's comment about the wolf in sheeps clothing.
I spent quite a bit of time looking at the holy family monastery website and have the following observations
1. With a billion Catholics worldwide we do have lots of problems and lots of problem people. We have always had them. Like countless protestant and fundamentalists this group claims that because of the problems and problem …More
I understand @Pattfm's comment about the wolf in sheeps clothing.
I spent quite a bit of time looking at the holy family monastery website and have the following observations
1. With a billion Catholics worldwide we do have lots of problems and lots of problem people. We have always had them. Like countless protestant and fundamentalists this group claims that because of the problems and problem people that the church is no longer legitimate but they have been given the vision to see the truth and by the way please buy our products and send donations. ( I especially liked the single click feature to donate $10,000 and the reminder that you are free to click on multiple donation amounts)
2. Everyone who does not agree with them is obviously possessed or guilty of heresy
3. Claim to be able to interpret the book of revelation. ( along with countless others )
4. Any information that does not fit their narrative must be false, a lie or demonic deception.
Information that supports their position "must" be true.
Christ told us the gates of hell would not prevail against the church he established. I think I will stick with the church and work thru our problems and sinful members as Catholics have done for 2000 years and not follow another in a long line of groups that claim that they are the only ones that determine truth. They will however like all men and women will remain in my prayers.
@KristianKeller. I said: "A wolf in a sheep's clothing (infiltration of the Church 💰💰💰) is not a wolf in a wolf's clothing that will put on a wolf's clothing (since his major aim is to deceive)."
@frawley don't bear false witnesses. The Church has fought heresies (gates of hell) since 33 a.d. HeresiarchsJPII+HisHeresies vs HolyCatholicChurchPopePiusV+Dogmas. The devil is on one side and Our Lady on the other.
Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come.
Please explain the false witnesses?
Like ...because of the problems and problem people that the church is no longer legitimate (So they said that the Church is not legitimate? You are applying what Hess said when they never said anything like that) but they have been given the vision (?) to see the truth and by the way please buy our products and send donations (for the continuation of their works. But most of their works are free. …More
Like ...because of the problems and problem people that the church is no longer legitimate (So they said that the Church is not legitimate? You are applying what Hess said when they never said anything like that) but they have been given the vision (?) to see the truth and by the way please buy our products and send donations (for the continuation of their works. But most of their works are free. Essential ones)...
@Pattfm , are you a sedevacantist or controlled opposition provocateur? Give a straight answer please.
This also does not make any sense: Conversion Stories
If this is a Jocose Lie, it is a very bad and distasteful and also ambiguous joke, for you not explaining it is a joke.
I would not use Holy Catholic Church Kristian together as one word. I am a Catholic layman, a sedevacantist, and I do follow …More
@Pattfm , are you a sedevacantist or controlled opposition provocateur? Give a straight answer please.

This also does not make any sense: Conversion Stories
If this is a Jocose Lie, it is a very bad and distasteful and also ambiguous joke, for you not explaining it is a joke.

I would not use Holy Catholic Church Kristian together as one word. I am a Catholic layman, a sedevacantist, and I do follow Most Holy Family Monastery. I am a traditional Catholic. There is no such thing as "HolyCatholicChurchKristian".
The love of the Church is given by God. If you want to save your soul by defending a wicked man and fighting a servant of God, you will lose it.
Other twists

No. 2. If you deny a Dogma like "No salvation outside the Church" by saying that VII redefined it to include brothers and sisters, Buddhists and Jews.
No. 3. Claim to be able to interpret the book of revelation is wrong.
No. 4. ?
Looks more like occultist event. (Because it is.) Francis is not even priest, but layman. He is "ordained" in the invalid new rite of ordination. See more about new rite of ordination: www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/…/new-rite-of-ord…
De Profundis
Big show.
Well pope Bergoglio achieved his dream even if it is due to the wuhan gift of his chinese friend and co-conspirator Xijinping all catholic churches are empty all faithfull parishoners have gone to the peripheries even if it be just their homes