Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of August 2014 Completely Legitimate: The Labour peer, Lord Maurice Glasman, has said it is “completely legitimate” for Catholics to be sceptical of his party because it …More
Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of August 2014

Completely Legitimate: The Labour peer, Lord Maurice Glasman, has said it is “completely legitimate” for Catholics to be sceptical of his party because it wants to force adoption agencies to collaborate with homosex-couples. Quote: “There’s a lack of understanding and a lack of appreciation for the family.” Glasman is a practicing Jew. The Church and the Jews have the same reservations against the homosexual vice. A Labour Party spokesman said Lord Glasman’s views “do not represent the Labour Party.”

Lapsed From Liberation Theology: Marina Silva is the Brazilian Socialist Party's presidential hopeful, following the death of the previous candidate in a plane crash last week. As a teenager, Silva suffered from hepatitis and malaria, but was taken in by nuns who nursed her back to health. At the nuns she received a Catholic education and was introduced to liberation theology. But since then she abandoned this kind of Catholicism and became a Pentecostal Christian in the Assemblies of God, apart from being a supporter of abortion rights.

Inhuman Views: The British atheist Richard Dawkins has given further ammunition to those who say that atheists cannot value human life. Dawkins claimed on Twitter that it would be “immoral” to carry on with a pregnancy if the mother knew her unborn child had Down’s syndrome. Dawkins made the comment in response to another user who said she would be faced with “a real ethical dilemma” if she became pregnant with a child affected by down syndrom. Dawkins tweeted: “Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice.” Dawkins later refused to apologize for his inhuman views.

Obituary: Fr. Raymond de Souza has published an obituary about the homosexualist, late MP and pro-abortion priest Fr. Raymond Gravel. According to Fr de Souza Gravel’s bishop was part of the problem. Quote: “He did not prohibit Fr. Gravel from running for office and did not prevent it. He both applied canon law and did not apply it.” De Souza calls Gravel a “boring thinker”, slavishly following the tired agenda of Catholic rebellion and “entirely predictable on all matters”. And: “He was sincere in seeking to serve, even if it was ambiguous who he was serving.”
adan1 uzbierać wokół siebie grupkę wyznawców i następnie dokonać samobójstwa. Tak robią sekty satanistyczne.
obawiam się że w tym przypadku może dojść do zbiorowego samobójstwa tych którzy słuchają tego wielkiego nawróciciela który chce głosić miłość a nie piekło
modernistae prohibere
Parvus cichaczem wprowadza genderyzm na glorię -zresztą po jej linii. Sam widziałem reklamę tatusia i mamusię (oba samce ) z dzieckiem na planszy.
Szczwany lis z niego. Dlatego tak lubi filmy przyrodnicze.
Patrzy patrzy i przenosi na ludzi... podstępny, szczwany lisek. 😜
A jeszcze kwiaty zamieść parweniuszu, bo bez tego "goło i niewesoło" ☕
fr_parvus 2014-08-24 11:15:17
Z całego serca przepraszam Panią Lucię i proszę o przebaczenie. Jestem grzesznikiem. Cała moja pycha dzisiaj wyszła na jaw... Walczę z pychą, ale czasami nie udaje się...
👏 👍 😌 , a ode mnie za to- 😘 😌
Jeszcze BAH-owi podziękuj, za pomoc w stanięciu w prawdzie.
Błogosławionej Niedzieli 🤗
fr_parvus, Ty idziesz na fali Łask, jedno potkniecie, nie spycha Cie z tej fali, wiesz o tym dobrze 😌 😉
2 more comments from urielrafael
fr_parvus, skoro zas dostałes Łaske, Pan Bog znow Cie podnosi do Nadzwyczajnosci 😌 uczynkow.
fr_parvus , nie upadłes, tylko sie potknales, jak kazdy z nas codzinnie 😉 , lecz dzis jest nowy dzien, a Ty wiesz, gdzie był bład 😌 . I to jest najwazniejsze, bo to znaczy, ze dostałes ŁASKE 😌
Wczoraj niebieskie serducho z kwiatów, dziś braterskie "upomnienie". To musi być miłość. 🙄
So the underlying problem was not Fr Raymond Gravel but Fr Raymond Gravel's bishop. In other words: The problem is not the problem, but the one who is supposed to solve the problem but does not do his job.