
Steubenville University: Wear Masks – Jesus Could Catch The Coronavirus

Father Dave Pivonka, the president of the charismatic Franciscan University of Steubenville, and his colleague, Father Shawn Roberson, published a guide concerning coronavirus policies in the church during the upcoming semester (Youtube.com, August 21).

The video is about social distancing, living on campus, protecting the vulnerable and about wearing masks.

The “important thing” is for Father Roberson that everybody wears a mask at Mass, “The Governor of Ohio has declared that we should be wearing mask during indoor celebrations. So we are asking that.”

During Communion, also the celebrants and concelebrants will wear masks. Roberson tries to make a joke, “Wear masks! You know, Jesus is going to be exposed. We don’t want to give Him COVID.”

Talking about Holy Communion, Father Pivonka points out that he “totally understands” that the students don’t want to receive Communion on the hand, however a "but" follows: The Ohio bishops have asked to abolish Communion on the tongue and the University is going to follow them.

“I can guarantee that everybody is asked to do things we prefer not to do,” Father Pivonka adds.

Maybe Francis, has called this one wrong like his called so many other things wrong. Just like JPII called so many things wrong which I doubt would be acceptable in heaven ie; kissing the quran, the ecumenical Assis pray group with schismatic christian and pagans, having ashes put on his forehead, by a pagan priestess; calling for a one world govt "new order" (sounds masonic to me) personally it …More
Maybe Francis, has called this one wrong like his called so many other things wrong. Just like JPII called so many things wrong which I doubt would be acceptable in heaven ie; kissing the quran, the ecumenical Assis pray group with schismatic christian and pagans, having ashes put on his forehead, by a pagan priestess; calling for a one world govt "new order" (sounds masonic to me) personally it remains to be seen if he is a saint considering the confusion he has caused, which undoubtedly so many others have followed, because of him. This reminds my of the old saying "Do as I say not as I do" when one takes into the account how he told off one priest for his stance on liberation theology which is bad enough but jpii was supposed to be a learned man very extremly knowledgeable and yet he did all this B.S..

Considering the confusion he has caused, I think I'll pass on calling him a saint. And if he is all the better for him. One thought though, since there is no confusion in Heaven because truth exists in Heaven, will JPII works exist in Heaven also. What about the souls that were lead be his error will they to also be pardoned. I wonder.

P.s good to hear from you again long time no chat.
God bless
Another Paul vi, JP II, Francis, vatii heretic
JPII's a saint, bro. The Church says so. A saint can't be a heretic.
Fun Catholic Trivia: Most of those summoned to Vatican Council II are all dead. Covid Stupidity is all on the current admin. It isn't a "V2 torpedoe" That conflation is as fail as its spelling and the morals of the creep making it.
"Vatican 2 formed all laypeople and priests since it ended right It changed catechism, seminary, liturgy. Everything.." Wrong. Go tell that to the FSSP.
Too easy.
"And yes, Ratzinger, our pope is included. Which is why he tried to expand the papacy. Bergolio, our Antipope, is pure stupidity, "
He resigned and has said so repeatedly. He didn't expand the papacy No rival claim for the papacy except …More
"Vatican 2 formed all laypeople and priests since it ended right It changed catechism, seminary, liturgy. Everything.." Wrong. Go tell that to the FSSP.

Too easy.
"And yes, Ratzinger, our pope is included. Which is why he tried to expand the papacy. Bergolio, our Antipope, is pure stupidity, "

He resigned and has said so repeatedly. He didn't expand the papacy No rival claim for the papacy except from clowns like you. And no proof except your endless repeating of the claims. @Still_I_Repeat

Jimmy Goebbels is off to a fine start with his Big Bergoglio Lie.

Benedict also recognizes the current pope as such. So no, Francis isn't an antipope either.

Looks like I'm facing another twelve-hour marathon of re-runs from last night's Jimmy Show. :P

Go look up the FSSP first, champ. You've already tanked in your first comment. MFW.
Be Ye Separate
"The "New Evangelization"
calls each of us to deepen our faith...".

The u.s. council of bishops, launching another V2 torpedoe, and
Scott Hahn and Steubenville promote the "New Evangelization," yet do not trust in Christ, rather they weaken the liturgy, for fear of a virus
Our Apostle Paul, "I know that, after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.' - Acts of …More
"The "New Evangelization"
calls each of us to deepen our faith...".

The u.s. council of bishops, launching another V2 torpedoe, and
Scott Hahn and Steubenville promote the "New Evangelization," yet do not trust in Christ, rather they weaken the liturgy, for fear of a virus

Our Apostle Paul, "I know that, after my departure, ravening wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.' - Acts of the Holy Apostles
Government does not rest on force. Government is force; it rests on consent or a conception of justice.
Here is George Neumayr writing on Steubenville
Gesù è con noi
@TaylorRMarshall : Franciscan University at Steubenville has lost her way. I wouldn’t send my kids there. twitter.com/…/129692433735062…
De Profundis
Here is Biden riding a bike with mask (PR)
and the distance of this ride ?
"The video is about social distancing, (etc.) and about wearing masks" Neither of which is being practiced in the photo above. Lead by example, gents. :P