BREAKING: Viganò to Francis -- 'The faithful have a right to know' Remnant TV is pleased to release Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s latest missive, this time confronting the Pope’s “devious strategy …More
BREAKING: Viganò to Francis -- 'The faithful have a right to know'
Remnant TV is pleased to release Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s latest missive, this time confronting the Pope’s “devious strategy” to—as papal advisor Archbishop Victor Fernández put it back in 2015—bring about “reform that is irreversible” and that cannot be undone by future popes. Pope Francis has seen to it that, at the next conclave, the Dean of the College of Cardinal will be the former right-hand man of Cardinal Angelo Sodano, accused of covering for the most notorious clerical sexual predator of the 20th Century—Legionaires of Christ founder, Fr. Marcial Maciel. Furthermore, this latest “masterful deception” will see to it that Cardinals made in the image and likeness of Francis will exercise considerable power and influence over the next conclave. As former papal nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Viganò is in a position to know the players, the past cover-ups and the modus operandi behind this Machiavellian …More
God bless Archbishop Viganò
"There is no other possible interpretation." -Except the obvious one. Your reasoning is faulty, your premises untrue and therefore you are wrong.
Others have lobbed the same accusations of heresy against the last four pope, Benedict XVI included.
Yes, Thor, the moment you say "there's no proof" or "you haven't presented any proof" or any of your other endlessly repeated lies to that effect, I'm …More
"There is no other possible interpretation." -Except the obvious one. Your reasoning is faulty, your premises untrue and therefore you are wrong.

Others have lobbed the same accusations of heresy against the last four pope, Benedict XVI included.

Yes, Thor, the moment you say "there's no proof" or "you haven't presented any proof" or any of your other endlessly repeated lies to that effect, I'm going to re-post that long list of web-sites covering all the supposed heresies by the last four Popes, just like usual.

"due to the credible allegations surrounding vote rigging"

Credible according to whom? You? No evidence of "credible" allegations, either. There are "credible allegations" you're an inveterate liar and charlatan too. Readily proven through a perusal of your comments here on GTV.

"Any catholic pope can be judged when he errs on matters of faith."

That's nice. Others have done so for the last four popes and their findings are disquieting in the extreme.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The truth is that a formal heretic can not be a Catholic pope.
Jorge Bergolio SJ. aka “pope Francis” is a pertinacious public formal heretic.
He is not therefore a pope.
It is also doubtful if he was canonically elected due to the credible allegations surrounding vote rigging at the conclave and the ambiguous resignation of Pope Benedict.
Any catholic pope can be judged when he errs on matters of …More
The truth is that a formal heretic can not be a Catholic pope.
Jorge Bergolio SJ. aka “pope Francis” is a pertinacious public formal heretic.
He is not therefore a pope.
It is also doubtful if he was canonically elected due to the credible allegations surrounding vote rigging at the conclave and the ambiguous resignation of Pope Benedict.
Any catholic pope can be judged when he errs on matters of faith.

Bergolio in Amoris Laetitia errs formally and heretically.
There is no other possible interpretation.