"The dogmatic level, the highest level of teaching, held only by the Pope — or by a Council, but only if it is in union with the Pope — is the true and only Katéchon that can bridle the Antichrist. The Katéchon is the Dogma."

Prominent Italian Theologian Defends Abp. Viganò's Critique of Vatican II: "Take Off the Dogma and …

PDF Button Prominent Italian Professor Lauds Archbishop Viganò and Discusses Doctrinal Confusion …
Ludovic 2Nîm
What does it mean ? Mgr Lefebvre didn’t want to say the Pope is not the Pope and expelled all the priests that said so in order to stay in the Catholic Church. If a Catholic no more recognizes the Pope, it should separate him from others Catholics that recognize the Pope. Even though the Pope is schismatic and separated from the Catholic Church through his heresies.