"It is categorically false to say that the Mosaic covenant remains eternally valid for the Jewish people, for as we painstakingly showed in our January 2008 article, the Catholic Magisterium, Sacred Scripture, and our Apostolic Tradition all say the opposite, namely, that the Mosaic covenant was revoked; is no longer valid; and never had the ability to save anyone in the past or in the present." …More
"It is categorically false to say that the Mosaic covenant remains eternally valid for the Jewish people, for as we painstakingly showed in our January 2008 article, the Catholic Magisterium, Sacred Scripture, and our Apostolic Tradition all say the opposite, namely, that the Mosaic covenant was revoked; is no longer valid; and never had the ability to save anyone in the past or in the present." - Dr.R.S.

The Old Covenant is Revoked: The USCC Removes Heretical Sentence from its Catechism — Culture Wars

By and large, Culture Wars is a voice crying in the wilderness in this day and age of decadence and …
Live Mike
I skimmed both of the Culture Wars 2008 articles, and I think this guy is mixing two things up. This really is simple, and I don't understand why anybody would be confused about it.
If God revoked any covenant He ever made, He is a liar. He isn't, and every covenant ever made by Him is still in place. Asserting that God revoked a covenant He has made sounds blasphemous to me.
But there is only one …More
I skimmed both of the Culture Wars 2008 articles, and I think this guy is mixing two things up. This really is simple, and I don't understand why anybody would be confused about it.

If God revoked any covenant He ever made, He is a liar. He isn't, and every covenant ever made by Him is still in place. Asserting that God revoked a covenant He has made sounds blasphemous to me.

But there is only one covenant effective for redemption of the human soul, and that is the new covenant confirmed in the blood of Christ. If anybody could follow the covenant under the law, it would be effective for them. But no one can - only Christ could. Hence, the continual validity of the old covenant is completely a moot point, and there's no reason whatsoever for any Christian to get their panties in a bunch over the question.

Am I missing something here?
Ave Crux
The Catechism provides a real obfuscation of the truth that all must be saved through Christ. I went online to look up the most current version after seeing the article was from 2008, and wondered if anything had changed since then.
This is what the most recent United States Catholic Catechism for Adults says:
The Catholic Church also acknowledges her special relationship to the Jewish people. The …More
The Catechism provides a real obfuscation of the truth that all must be saved through Christ. I went online to look up the most current version after seeing the article was from 2008, and wondered if anything had changed since then.

This is what the most recent United States Catholic Catechism for Adults says:

The Catholic Church also acknowledges her special relationship to the Jewish people. The Second Vatican Council declared that “this people remains most dear to God, for God does not repent of the gifts he makes nor of the calls he issues” (LG, no. 16).

When God called Abraham out of Ur, he promised to make of him a “great nation.” To the Jewish people, whom God first chose to hear his Word, “belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ” (CCC, no. 839, quoting Rom 9:4-5).

At the same time, “remembering, then, her common heritage with the Jews and moved not by any political consideration, but solely by the religious motivation of Christian charity, she [the Church] deplores all hatreds, persecutions, displays of antisemitism leveled at any time or from any source against the Jews” (Second Vatican Council, Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions [Nostra Aetate; NA], no. 4).

It can be found here: United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
Jeffrey Ade
@Live Mike Thank you! our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!