English Jesuits Have (Involuntary?) Humour. English Jesuits Have (Involuntary?) Humour The British Jesuits have announced that a new research institute will be opened in September 2019 at the Jesuits’…More
English Jesuits Have (Involuntary?) Humour.

English Jesuits Have (Involuntary?) Humour

The British Jesuits have announced that a new research institute will be opened in September 2019 at the Jesuits’ Campion Hall, which is part of Oxford University. The new entity will be called – no joke - . It is dedicated to the religion of environmentalism. The first director will be Celia Deane-Drummond, currently a Notre Dame USA Professor of Theology and Director of the Center for Theology, Science and – again no joke - Human Flourishing. One of her recent books is named – again no joke – “A Primer in Eco-theology: Theology for a Fragile Earth”. Unfortunately, it never became a bestseller.

Vatican Police Abuses Critics of Morales Regime

Bolivian women living in Italy have protested the presence of the Socialist Bolivian President Evo Morales in Saint Peter’s Square during the consistory on June 28. On their t-shirts, the women pointed out that Morales refuses to abandon his post although a famous referendum, held in February 2016, that would have allowed him to run for a third consecutive term was voted down. After the celebration, some of the women were brought to the Vatican police and kept there for hours, Corrispondenza Romana reports. They were interrogated and threatened with losing their Italian residence permit.

Pro-Choice Logic

The blog Creative Minority shows how pro-choice explanations sound to those who have not lost their mind. The first pro-choice example, “I voted for the Nazis but I don't support everything they're for." Second pro-choice example, “I think slavery should be legal but that doesn't mean I am pro-slavery." The blog comments, “Voting for pro-abortion candidates and considering yourself pro-choice but not pro-abortion sounds just as lame.”

The Church Is Alive

Last Monday, 19 seminarians of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest have received the cassock in the Church San Michele e Gaetano in Florence. of Shrewsbury, England, conferred also the tonsure and the minor orders to 52 seminarians. During his 2012 Christmas sermon, the courageous bishop compared the British government's proposals for homosex marriage to the way in which Nazis and Communists had undermined Christian faith.
Wayside Shrine Maker
always good. Thank you so much.
Holy Cannoli
English Jesuits Have (Involuntary?) Humour
The new research institutes from the Jesuits come as no surprise. They simply share many of their views with the most powerful Catholic Jesuit in the world. Il Papa.
The pope’s very statements on climate change read like the typical propaganda press release from the Sierra Club. “Listen to the cry of the Earth,” he has lectured environmental leaders. …More
English Jesuits Have (Involuntary?) Humour
The new research institutes from the Jesuits come as no surprise. They simply share many of their views with the most powerful Catholic Jesuit in the world. Il Papa.

The pope’s very statements on climate change read like the typical propaganda press release from the Sierra Club. “Listen to the cry of the Earth,” he has lectured environmental leaders. And don’t breed “like rabbits” — that is Pope Francis’s idea of profound papal teaching. And if you fail to be “respectful of creation,” go to confession and confess your sins against environmentalism, he says, provided, of course, that you show firm purpose of amendment by “avoiding the use of plastic and paper, reducing water consumption, separating refuse, cooking only what can reasonably be consumed, showing care for other living beings, using public transport or car-pooling, planning trees, turning off unnecessary lights, any number of other practices.”

The image that all this conjures up — of lethargic Catholics who won’t confess their abortions and adulteries but will confess their failure to “separate refuse” and carpool — would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Under the clericalism of Pope Francis, the Vatican has become a bully pulpit for extreme environmentalists, a group notable above all else for its virulent anti-Catholicism.

Openly endorsing the anti-growth policies of the left, Pope Francis is rooting for economic decline in the West, casting it as a requirement of redistributive justice.

“A Primer in Eco-theology: Theology for a Fragile Earth”


Incidentally, today’s video (July 5th) and the video from July 1st are both slightly blurred. The video from June 27th is clear.
Religion of Man, now the Religion of Gaia, busy pantheists.