
Francis Promotes "Feel-Good Conception of God" - Monsignor Bux

The incorrect translation of the Italian Our Father’s sixth petition “and do not abandon us in temptation” might be the premise of further changes, Monsignor Nicola Bux, an adviser to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, has warned.

Bux told the Italian Journalist Aldo Maria Valli (December 4) that now the words of consecration are in danger to be altered.

For him this “eagerness for change” expresses a “paradigm shift” or “cultural revolution”, promoted in today's Church.

According to Bux, the Italian bishops - on Pope Francis' order - are giving in to a “feel-good conception of God”.

Picture: Nicola Bux, © RinascimentoSacro.org, #newsCciamwntxg