Francis Respects Atheists

On Heaven and Earth, pp. 12-13 Bergoglio says he respects atheists and
doesn’t try to convert them: “I do not approach the relationship in order to
proselytize, or convert the atheist; I respect him… nor would I say that his
life is condemned, because I am convinced that I do not have the right to
make a judgment about the honesty of that person… every man is the image
of God, whether he is a believer or not. For that reason alone everyone has
a series of virtues, qualities, and a greatness of his own.”
la verdad prevalece shares this
Note Bergoglio's arrogance when Bergoglio chose the title "On Heaven and Earth" for his heretical work, when the book is not about theology or sound Catholic doctrine but about his own heretical opinions in his personal conversations with an ultra-liberal (PROGAY) friend and Jewish Freemason Abraham Skorka. By which Bergoglio implies that his heretical opinions are above God.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio prefers to serve the man rather to serve God.
Francis: “I’m Not Interested in Converting Evangelicals to Catholicism”
On Heaven and Earth, pp. 12-13 Bergoglio says he respects atheists and
doesn’t try to convert them: “I do not approach the relationship in order to
proselytize, or convert the atheist; I respect him… nor would I say that his
life is condemned, because I am convinced that …More
Bergoglio prefers to serve the man rather to serve God.
Francis: “I’m Not Interested in Converting Evangelicals to Catholicism”
On Heaven and Earth, pp. 12-13 Bergoglio says he respects atheists and
doesn’t try to convert them: “I do not approach the relationship in order to
proselytize, or convert the atheist; I respect him… nor would I say that his
life is condemned, because I am convinced that I do not have the right to
make a judgment about the honesty of that person… every man is the image
of God, whether he is a believer or not. For that reason alone everyone has
a series of virtues, qualities, and a greatness of his ownBergoglio refuse to call pagans to conversion and offer them the only way of salvation.
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
"I told you I was cordially imparting my blessing. Since many of you are not members of the Catholic Church, and others are not believers, I cordially give this blessing silently, to each of you, respecting the conscience of each, but in the knowledge that each of you is a child of God. May God bless you!" Address of Francis To Representatives of the Communications Media Saturday, 16 March 2013
Ecclesia means: is called out - the called out from the mass does not seek the truth out from the darkness into the light.
The rest of the seed of the woman in the book of Genesis, are at enmity with the offspring of Satan, who seduced Eve.
It isn't easy for God to be quiet, but he mastered himself, because he needs the decision of the people for the good or evil, for him or for Barabbas.
Satan …More
Ecclesia means: is called out - the called out from the mass does not seek the truth out from the darkness into the light.
The rest of the seed of the woman in the book of Genesis, are at enmity with the offspring of Satan, who seduced Eve.
It isn't easy for God to be quiet, but he mastered himself, because he needs the decision of the people for the good or evil, for him or for Barabbas.
Satan wants a unity in error, but it counts only the unity in truth, to rest in God and to share the eternal life, because the darkness together has nothing to do with the light.
We need to decide us with courage - because the majority of people reject the word of God and his commandments.
God called his people in all generations to follow him and to live his commandments, but it is also in the end time, so be as in Noah's time and in the days of Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, because the majority has not heard on it.
"Come out of her my people, for not have part in her sins, and not receive of her plagues..." Revelation 14.9
But Revelation tells us that will give a time, when everyone will have opted for the good or evil: Revelation 22,12.
The Titanic crew has also not heard on the warnings of other ship-crews, and is therefore collides with the iceberg.
Sorry, it´s a big problem... It´s a part of the sins of Babylon, that much is fake, for example a fake Messiah - the replace against the Antichrist, as well a counterfeit commandments of God - replaced against human rights, and also a fake unity compared to true unity in the truth (Revelation 16).
The sins of Babylon are the move away from what God created for the people, so that they are a help …More
Sorry, it´s a big problem... It´s a part of the sins of Babylon, that much is fake, for example a fake Messiah - the replace against the Antichrist, as well a counterfeit commandments of God - replaced against human rights, and also a fake unity compared to true unity in the truth (Revelation 16).
The sins of Babylon are the move away from what God created for the people, so that they are a help to recognize God, to return to God and the eternal life, as it was before the sin fall of man.
It is Satan, who was Lucifer, and was cast to the Earth, he takes away the people with its illusions of the knowledge of God and the divine plan of salvation.
One more comment from Josefine
That´s a great problem, because they reject the new Covenant in Jesus Christ and also reject him as the Messiah.
After the second world war, a declaration of human rights by the United Nations has been dictated in 1948, and also on the 2nd Vatican Council, freedom of religion, so the human rights was accepted. This is the rejection of the commandments of God and the rejection of God.
Who ever the …More
That´s a great problem, because they reject the new Covenant in Jesus Christ and also reject him as the Messiah.
After the second world war, a declaration of human rights by the United Nations has been dictated in 1948, and also on the 2nd Vatican Council, freedom of religion, so the human rights was accepted. This is the rejection of the commandments of God and the rejection of God.
Who ever the leading Freemasons are, they have a combination of all the religions formed, for example, the combination of the "three great monotheistic religions" together with others such as Hinduism and Buddhism.
Obama said in a speech that America is no more only a Christian nation, but is also a Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist and Hindu nation.
The Vatican has also urged european countries to abandon the catholic state religion. So Rome conformed to the United Nations and forbids the "fundamentalism", to have the sole right to the truth.
🤗 Josefine
Father Paul Kramer also said on Facebook:
Bergoglio stated explicitly in no. 247 of Evangelii Gaudium the heresy that God's covenant with the Jews was never revoked. He already professed that heresy before changing his name to Francis:
On Heaven and Earth, pg 188:
"The Church officially recognizes that the People of Israel continue to be the Chosen People. Nowhere does it say: ‘You …More
🤗 Josefine
Father Paul Kramer also said on Facebook:
Bergoglio stated explicitly in no. 247 of Evangelii Gaudium the heresy that God's covenant with the Jews was never revoked. He already professed that heresy before changing his name to Francis:
On Heaven and Earth, pg 188:
"The Church officially recognizes that the People of Israel continue to be the Chosen People. Nowhere does it say: ‘You lost the game, now it is our turn.’ It is a recognition of the People of Israel."
The majority of name Christians never made a radical change in their lives, but they have subsided only a religious label.
"...They have the appearance of a Godly being, but they deny his power...!" 2 Timothy 3, 1-5
There are counterfeit Christians who know that the adherence to the word of God and his law have the power to change people's lives, but they have decided against Jesus Christ, and …More
The majority of name Christians never made a radical change in their lives, but they have subsided only a religious label.
"...They have the appearance of a Godly being, but they deny his power...!" 2 Timothy 3, 1-5
There are counterfeit Christians who know that the adherence to the word of God and his law have the power to change people's lives, but they have decided against Jesus Christ, and instead for human rights - A lot more constraints for christian people -.
You have officially known to the human rights of the United Nations, and work together with politicians. We know what that means, because in the middle ages were also Church and State together.
This moved to a terrible persecution of Christians. They were just slandered and betrayed like in the Roman Empire and as it is today.
But today they proceed more subtle discrimination of Christians and promote those who oppose them for it.
They would certainly not idly an inhuman war like against the Christians and children, if he'd directed against Islamists or against gays.
Father Paul Kramer said on Facebook:
''Bergoglio does not believe in God in the proper sense of professing the dogmatically defined nature and attributes of God. No wonder that he says he doesn"t believe in a Catholic God. He really does not even believe in the God we profess in the Catholic creeds.
"On Heaven and Earth", Chapter 3 - "On Atheists" :
"We can say what God is not ... but we cannot say …More
Father Paul Kramer said on Facebook:
''Bergoglio does not believe in God in the proper sense of professing the dogmatically defined nature and attributes of God. No wonder that he says he doesn"t believe in a Catholic God. He really does not even believe in the God we profess in the Catholic creeds.
"On Heaven and Earth", Chapter 3 - "On Atheists" :
"We can say what God is not ... but we cannot say what He is. I would classify as arrogant those theologies that ... had the pretense of saying who He was"
"I told you I was cordially imparting my blessing. Since many of you are not members of the Catholic Church, and others are not believers, I cordially give this blessing silently, to each of you, respecting the conscience of each, but in the knowledge that each of you is a child of God. May God bless you!" Address of Francis To Representatives of the Communications Media Saturday, 16 March 2013
"I told you I was cordially imparting my blessing. Since many of you are not members of the Catholic Church, and others are not believers, I cordially give this blessing silently, to each of you, respecting the conscience of each, but in the knowledge that each of you is a child of God. May God bless you!" Address of Francis To Representatives of the Communications Media Saturday, 16 March 2013
✍️ "The supremacy of the supernatural is replaced with the supremacy of the natural; the supremacy of the law of God is replaced by the supremacy of man’s conscience; while the supremacy of the Kingdom of God and eternal life is replaced by the supremacy of this world and human life, with the goal of achieving a sort of paradise of earth". Msgr. Villa’s Paul
la verdad prevalece
🤗 👍 Thank you Prof. Leonard Wessell yuca2111
Francis is committing a grave sin of Omission because he has neglected to correct and teach the ignorance that correcting someone is an act of mercy. Francis wants to adapt the Gospel to the world giving the gospel of Jesus Christ a political approach. He is changing its context which is why he has caught the favor of the world. His style is like …More
🤗 👍 Thank you Prof. Leonard Wessell yuca2111
Francis is committing a grave sin of Omission because he has neglected to correct and teach the ignorance that correcting someone is an act of mercy. Francis wants to adapt the Gospel to the world giving the gospel of Jesus Christ a political approach. He is changing its context which is why he has caught the favor of the world. His style is like listening to Obama preaching.

Francis is more interested in focusing upon temporal matters than in spiritual matters which is negligence in the salvation of souls.

5 False prophets belong to the world. So they speak from the world’s point of view. The world listens to them. 6 We belong to God. And those who know God listen to us. But those who don’t belong to God don’t listen to us. That’s how we can tell the difference between the Spirit of truth and the spirit of lies.
1 John 4

Leonard I think you have put the hammer right on the nail, you know I'm a doctor and when I used to practice, if I didn't mention exactly what the patient had, I could be easily be sued... the same thing happens in heaven, every soul that is judged that could claim that Francis didn't mention Jesus as the only way of salvation could have a point in front of the Father, but eventually God will tell …More
Leonard I think you have put the hammer right on the nail, you know I'm a doctor and when I used to practice, if I didn't mention exactly what the patient had, I could be easily be sued... the same thing happens in heaven, every soul that is judged that could claim that Francis didn't mention Jesus as the only way of salvation could have a point in front of the Father, but eventually God will tell that soul about all the times other people did mention that and the many times he or she chose to embrace iniquity than His suffering Begotten Son... blind people leading the blind!
Prof. Leonard Wessell
@jean pierre aussant, you are right, every person should be respected. But, what does respect entail. An atheist is willing to pronounce himself an Atheist with all consequences. Try and imagine a medical doctor who says to a patient: "I respect you as a patient, but I will not talk to you about your disease." Rediculous and wrong!! Tactically I agree that the Pope (indeed, anyone) should not get …More
@jean pierre aussant, you are right, every person should be respected. But, what does respect entail. An atheist is willing to pronounce himself an Atheist with all consequences. Try and imagine a medical doctor who says to a patient: "I respect you as a patient, but I will not talk to you about your disease." Rediculous and wrong!! Tactically I agree that the Pope (indeed, anyone) should not get into an argument with an atheist at any old place and at any old time. One should select a correct time. But, if the atheist wants to explore the "To be or not to be" question of God, then not to enter into a dialogue with the intend to clarify what God is and that God is is to fail in one's duty to care for or, simply, to love others. But, should one clarify what God is and that God is to an atheist, one has converted him. No? It is the blanket statement by Pp Francis that irritates me and forces me to have doubts about his own belief. Often enough the man strikes me as the appointed captain of a ship who does not know the difference between bow and stearn.
Prof. Leonard Wessell
I am a philosophical "fan" of St. Anselm of Cantebury, who developed a so-called "ontological proof", ideas argued against and argued for for 6 or 7 hundred years. St. Anselm approaches the atheist in this manner. "You do not believe in God?", to which the atheist say "No, I do not!". Anselm pauses and then asks: "What do you mean by God?" Of course, Anselm is asking for a philosophical or …More
I am a philosophical "fan" of St. Anselm of Cantebury, who developed a so-called "ontological proof", ideas argued against and argued for for 6 or 7 hundred years. St. Anselm approaches the atheist in this manner. "You do not believe in God?", to which the atheist say "No, I do not!". Anselm pauses and then asks: "What do you mean by God?" Of course, Anselm is asking for a philosophical or ontological definition. In effect, Anselm is baiting his atheist friend to define God as, say, absolutely infinite (or as I prefer, esse infnite). Ah, Anselm then begins to delve into what a thinking atheist means by God and involves the atheist in a discussion that makes it impossible for a thinking atheist to deny Divine reality or Being. (Interestingly, my favorite Anglo-American idealist, Josiah Royce, argued similaritly in his "The Conception of God".) Why mention all this?

Ignorance! Pp Francis is leading the flock following the path of Jesus (his last homily) to God, whoever or whatever that might be. I am disappointed and freigthened that a prelate such as the Pope cares so little, indeed, disdains so much a thoughtful atheist that he leaves said atheist untested. The point is not to convert or not, rather to pursue truth -- and truth of supreme importance. In effect, the Pope has insulted to the very core of a fine thinking atheist -- a person who thinks enough about God to deny Him--, instead of showing how the atheist's thought could come to fruition in grasping Divine reality. Frankly, such show modesty by the Pope leaves me with the sour taste that the man does not really believe in anything definable, just a vague goody-goody goal to occupy by life.

Other then some banal statement about God, I doubt that either Pp Francis' atheist or Pope Francis himself understands what God, understood entitatively, means. A priest (and a pope is such a person) who will not talk about what God is should hang up his vocational hat as he represents nothing of salvational importance.
la verdad prevalece
Francis ideology contradicts the word of God because he refuses to obey the command of Christ to preach to all men. St. Paul stated ...Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!
Also this ideology promotes religious indifferentism and denies the spiritual works of mercy "Correct sinners (Admonish the Sinner), Teach the ignorant". To admonish a sinner means, first of all, to call someone to conversion …More
Francis ideology contradicts the word of God because he refuses to obey the command of Christ to preach to all men. St. Paul stated ...Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!

Also this ideology promotes religious indifferentism and denies the spiritual works of mercy "Correct sinners (Admonish the Sinner), Teach the ignorant". To admonish a sinner means, first of all, to call someone to conversion. Jesus Himself did this from the very outset of His public ministry when He proclaimed, "The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Good News!" (Mk :15). Archbishop Fulton Sheen said: "We don't need a voice that speaks when everybody else is speaking; we need a voice that speaks when everybody else is silent!"
St. Gregory the Great uses the image of the watchdog that guards against thieves and other intruders. But he says if the watchdog cannot bark, it is useless!

Ezekiel 33 :6
But if the sentinel sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any of them, they are taken away in their iniquity, but their blood I will require at the sentinel’s hand.

The word of God teach us that the Holy people of God will judge the Angels.
1 Corinthians 6
Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, matters pertaining to this life! 4 If then you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who are least esteemed by the church?
Therefore we must train ourselves in the affairs of daily life making objective judgments distinguishing the good works from the works of evil. Our Judgments should be made based on the righteousness and justice of God. The Holy Fear of the Lord comes before any concern for human respect.
😇 🤗
la verdad prevalece
🤫 Sorry Jean Pierre I disagree with you
"When men no longer believe in sin, their thinking and their laws become worldly and man-centered, seeking human respect and a false peace. The examples of this humanism are hundredfold.
"Do you know what the first temptation the devil presents to someone who has begun to serve God better?" asks St. Jean-Baptise-Marie Vianney, the Curé d’Ars."It is human …More
🤫 Sorry Jean Pierre I disagree with you

"When men no longer believe in sin, their thinking and their laws become worldly and man-centered, seeking human respect and a false peace. The examples of this humanism are hundredfold.
"Do you know what the first temptation the devil presents to someone who has begun to serve God better?" asks St. Jean-Baptise-Marie Vianney, the Curé d’Ars."It is human respect."
St. Paul exhorted St. Timothy, bishop of Ephesus, to remain firm in his priestly vocation, to preach the truth without being inhibited by human respect:
"I am reminding you to fan into a flame the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you. God’s gift was not a spirit of timidity, but the Spirit of power, and love, and self-control."

🙄 Francis is being negligent in his pastoral work he don't have zeal for salvation of souls and he denying God's word 🤨

"there are relative values, such as solidarity, love of peace and respect for nature. If these become absolute, uprooting or even opposing the proclamation of the event of salvation, then these values become an instigation to idolatry and obstacles on the way of salvation."

Cardinal Biffi affirmed that "if Christianity -- on opening itself to the world and dialoguing with all -- dilutes the salvific event, it closes itself to a personal relationship with Jesus and places itself on the side of the Antichrist."…/retreatants-hea…

Colossians 2:8
Make sure no predator makes you his prey through some misleading philosophy and empty deception based on traditions fabricated by mere mortals. These are sourced in the elementary principles originating in this world and not in the Anointed One (so don’t let their talks capture you).
😇 🤗
jean pierre aussant
The holy father is right. every human being must be respected. Nevertheless we must not forget that Jesus Christ clearly told us to go and convert the world...
thanks for the posting... we must pray,pray, pray for souls, apparently not being considered by Frances. so sad so frightening.
la verdad prevalece
🤨 Revelation 21:8
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Mark 16:16
He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
John 3:18
“He who believes in Him is not …More
🤨 Revelation 21:8
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

Mark 16:16
He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

John 3:18
“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
2 Thessalonians 1:8
in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 16:22
If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed.[anathema] O Lord, come![Maranatha]
1 Peter 4:17
The time has come for God to judge people. God's people will be judged first. If we are judged first, what will happen at the end to those who do not obey the good news of God?
