Alpha & Omega: Einmischen oder raushalten? Kirche und Politik. Alpha&Omega am 4. Juli 2017. Einmischen oder raushalten? Kirche und Politik Wir leben in bewegten politischen Zeiten: Präsident Trump in …Mehr
Alpha & Omega: Einmischen oder raushalten? Kirche und Politik.

Alpha&Omega am 4. Juli 2017. Einmischen oder raushalten? Kirche und Politik
Wir leben in bewegten politischen Zeiten: Präsident Trump in Amerika, Präsident Macron in Frankreich, Brexit, die Türkei auf dem Weg in ein autoritäres System, viele Hilfesuchende auf dem Weg nach Europa. In Deutschland gibt es in diesem Jahr Bundestagswahlen, populistische Bewegungen und Parteien machen auf sich aufmerksam, es wird viel über innere Sicherheit, Gerechtigkeitsfragen, Altersarmut, Arbeitsplätze diskutiert. Die große Frage bei Alpha & Omega in all diesen politischen Diskussionen: Soll sich die Kirche in die Politik einmischen oder lieber raushalten? Darüber spricht Moderator Christian Turrey mit Monsignore Christian Hermes, katholischer Stadtdekan in Stuttgart und einer, der sich in den letzten Jahren immer wieder in politische Diskussionen eingemischt hat, egal, ob es um Fragen der Stadtpolitik ging oder um die AfD.
Moderation/Redaktion: Christian Turrey
Cristine 8
Kommentar 6
AFD in München
Das ist Demokratie jeder kann ihre Meinung sagen.
Kommentar 6
AFD in München

Das ist Demokratie jeder kann ihre Meinung sagen.

Cristine 8
Kommentar 5
Gottseidank können wir selbst entscheiden bei Wahl!!! Wir können selbst entscheiden was für Demokratie haben!!! Für mich ist bestimmt nicht mit gleich Welle von diese Priester!!!
7 weitere Kommentare von Cristine 8
Cristine 8
Kommentar 4
Was er benutzt Erdogan als Beispiel????Absurd!!!
Cristine 8
Kommentar 3
Stuttgart ist ein wunderbar Stadt nicht nur für Reiche. Das sehr die Natur respektieren.
Baden Württemberg war ein armes Land, dass viele Genie hat und die Industrie organisiert und profit hat.
Das ist Kapitalismus...
Cristine 8
Kommentar 2
Priester der Theologie der Befreiung.
Wir haben die Situation mit Hamburg mit den Linke Partei!
Schauen sie die Niveau von polnische Öffentlichkeit als die President Trump in Poland war und die deutsche Öffentlichkeit...
Cristine 8
Lieber Vater die Linke Partei sind wunderbar oder die Theologie von Befreiung? Vor allem in Hamburg oder Süd Amerika!!!!
Cristine 8
Von wo kommt die ideologische Ausrichtung der gegenwärtigen Regierung....
Gewiß ist die politische Ausrichtung der Globalisierung und Regierung heute ist von Antonio Gramsci und Frankfurt Schule.
Cristine 8
Kommentar 2
Sehe Sie bitte was passiert wenn, die Christen oder Kirche erlaubt andere in Politik dominieren.
Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex “marriage.” “How does our marriage hurt you?” they ask.
Well, I can think of one significant way it will hurt us: It will destroy religious freedom and free speech rights.
The handwriting is on the wall in Canada, which …Mehr
Kommentar 2
Sehe Sie bitte was passiert wenn, die Christen oder Kirche erlaubt andere in Politik dominieren.

Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex “marriage.” “How does our marriage hurt you?” they ask.

Well, I can think of one significant way it will hurt us: It will destroy religious freedom and free speech rights.

The handwriting is on the wall in Canada, which legalized same-sex “marriage” in 2005, in effect completely changing its true meaning. Since then, as Michael Coren notes in National Review Online, “there have been between 200 and 300 proceedings … against critics and opponents of same-sex marriage.” Of course he means legal proceedings.

For instance, in Saskatchewan, a homosexual man called a state marriage commissioner, wanting to “marry” his partner. The commissioner, an evangelical Christian, declined to conduct the ceremony for religious reasons. He simply referred the man to another commissioner.

But that was not enough for the gay couple. Even though they got their ceremony, they wanted to punish the Christian who had declined to conduct it. The case ended up in the courts. And the result? Those with religious objections to conducting such ceremonies now face the loss of their jobs.

Canadian churches are also under attack. Coren writes that when Fred Henry, the Roman Catholic bishop of Calgary, Alberta, sent a letter to churches explaining traditional Catholic teaching on marriage, he was “charged with a human-rights violation” and “threatened with litigation.”

Churches with theological objections to performing same-sex “wedding” ceremonies are being threatened with the loss of their tax-free status. In British Columbia, the Knights of Columbus agreed to rent its building for a wedding reception before finding out that the couple was lesbian. When they did find out, they apologized to the women and agreed to both find an alternative venue and pay the costs for printing new invitations. But that wasn’t good enough. The women prosecuted, and the Human Rights Commission ordered the Knights of Columbus to pay a fine.

Of course, the lesbians knew perfectly well what the Catholic Church teaches about marriage, but they sought out a Catholic-owned building, anyway.

(AP Photo)

As Michael Coren puts it, “it’s becoming obvious that Christian people, leaders, and organizations are being targeted, almost certainly to create legal precedents”—precedents intended to silence and punish anyone who dares to disagree with so-called gay “marriage.”

If you think this couldn’t happen here, think again. This year [2012] we’ve seen ObamaCare attack the autonomy of Catholic churches by attempting to force them, in violation of Catholic teaching, to pay for contraceptives and abortifacients for church employees. And just last week, a lesbian employee of a Catholic hospital in New York sued the hospital for denying her partner spousal health benefits.

This is what we need to tell our neighbors when they ask us, “How does gay ‘marriage’ hurt us?” It means that those hostile to our beliefs will attempt to bend us to their will to force us to not only accept gay “marriage,” but to condone it as well.

This is why I urge you to join the half-million Christians who have signed the Manhattan Declaration. Please sign it yourself by going to manhattandeclaration.org.

You and I must demonstrate love to our gay neighbors, of course, remembering that we are ultimately engaged in spiritual warfare. But we should boldly stand up when our rights as citizens and the demands of our conscience are threatened.
This column was initially published in June 2012. Reprinted with permission from Eric Metaxes.
Cristine 8
Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex “marriage.” “How does our marriage hurt you?” they ask.
Well, I can think of one significant way it will hurt us: It will destroy religious freedom and free speech rights.
The handwriting is on the wall in Canada, which legalized same-sex “marriage” in 2005, in effect completely changing its true meaning. Since then, as Michael …Mehr
Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex “marriage.” “How does our marriage hurt you?” they ask.

Well, I can think of one significant way it will hurt us: It will destroy religious freedom and free speech rights.

The handwriting is on the wall in Canada, which legalized same-sex “marriage” in 2005, in effect completely changing its true meaning. Since then, as Michael Coren notes in National Review Online, “there have been between 200 and 300 proceedings … against critics and opponents of same-sex marriage.” Of course he means legal proceedings.

For instance, in Saskatchewan, a homosexual man called a state marriage commissioner, wanting to “marry” his partner. The commissioner, an evangelical Christian, declined to conduct the ceremony for religious reasons. He simply referred the man to another commissioner.

But that was not enough for the gay couple. Even though they got their ceremony, they wanted to punish the Christian who had declined to conduct it. The case ended up in the courts. And the result? Those with religious objections to conducting such ceremonies now face the loss of their jobs.

Canadian churches are also under attack. Coren writes that when Fred Henry, the Roman Catholic bishop of Calgary, Alberta, sent a letter to churches explaining traditional Catholic teaching on marriage, he was “charged with a human-rights violation” and “threatened with litigation.”

Churches with theological objections to performing same-sex “wedding” ceremonies are being threatened with the loss of their tax-free status. In British Columbia, the Knights of Columbus agreed to rent its building for a wedding reception before finding out that the couple was lesbian. When they did find out, they apologized to the women and agreed to both find an alternative venue and pay the costs for printing new invitations. But that wasn’t good enough. The women prosecuted, and the Human Rights Commission ordered the Knights of Columbus to pay a fine.

Of course, the lesbians knew perfectly well what the Catholic Church teaches about marriage, but they sought out a Catholic-owned building, anyway.

(AP Photo)

As Michael Coren puts it, “it’s becoming obvious that Christian people, leaders, and organizations are being targeted, almost certainly to create legal precedents”—precedents intended to silence and punish anyone who dares to disagree with so-called gay “marriage.”

If you think this couldn’t happen here, think again. This year [2012] we’ve seen ObamaCare attack the autonomy of Catholic churches by attempting to force them, in violation of Catholic teaching, to pay for contraceptives and abortifacients for church employees. And just last week, a lesbian employee of a Catholic hospital in New York sued the hospital for denying her partner spousal health benefits.

This is what we need to tell our neighbors when they ask us, “How does gay ‘marriage’ hurt us?” It means that those hostile to our beliefs will attempt to bend us to their will to force us to not only accept gay “marriage,” but to condone it as well.

This is why I urge you to join the half-million Christians who have signed the Manhattan Declaration. Please sign it yourself by going to manhattandeclaration.org.

You and I must demonstrate love to our gay neighbors, of course, remembering that we are ultimately engaged in spiritual warfare. But we should boldly stand up when our rights as citizens and the demands of our conscience are threatened.
This column was initially published in June 2012. Reprinted with permission from Eric Metaxes.
Einmischen dann wenn die Gebote übergangen, verwässert oder gar vernichtet werden. z.B. Abtreibung etc. müsste die Kirche ihre Stimme erheben. Wie erwähnt es sind klare Angaben von der Kirche zu geben. Und zwar nach Gottes Willen. Aber das ist in heutiger Zeit bei so viel Unglauben von der Menschheit nicht mehr erwünscht, leider. Die Ernte ist verdorben, die Saat war schlecht.
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Nachtrag – dieser Priester macht sich der schweren Sünde der

Üblen Nachrede schuldig. Die vielen katholischen Familienväter und Mütter großteils wie Frau Steinbach politisch von der CDU herkommend interpretiert er die guten Programme einfach - Sünde 2 fälschlich verurteilend nach seiner eigenen üblen Haltung um.
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Der Untertan läßt grüßen und dann noch die linken (im Grunde antikatholischen Themen) aber die Pädo-Homo-Abtreibungsparteien gut finden.
Ein typischer katholischer angepaßter Simpel schlecht informiert

Der Untertan läßt grüßen und dann noch die linken (im Grunde antikatholischen Themen) aber die Pädo-Homo-Abtreibungsparteien gut finden.
✍️ St Eberhard, ab 1. Juni: Nach dem Weggang von P. Philip, das heißt ab Juni, können wir leider die Eucharistiefeier an Sonn- und Feiertagen um 8.30 Uhr bis auf weiteres nicht mehr anbieten. 🤨