"Sperm"-Attack on Rocco Buttiglione. On May 27th 2017, Gloria.tv interviewed Rocco Buttiglione in Budapest. Then apro-choice journalists showed up.More
"Sperm"-Attack on Rocco Buttiglione.

On May 27th 2017, Gloria.tv interviewed Rocco Buttiglione in Budapest. Then apro-choice journalists showed up.
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Holy Cannoli
Jungerheld: The thugs would supply defense when/if needed. It was not needed in Rocco's case but there are circumstances (such videos have been posted on Gloria) when the rabid pro-aborts go way over the line by destroying property and threatening or committing physical violence against the pro-lifers. Under these circumstances a little deterrent is warranted. 😑
A minor assault takes place at 2…More
Jungerheld: The thugs would supply defense when/if needed. It was not needed in Rocco's case but there are circumstances (such videos have been posted on Gloria) when the rabid pro-aborts go way over the line by destroying property and threatening or committing physical violence against the pro-lifers. Under these circumstances a little deterrent is warranted. 😑
A minor assault takes place at 2:20 of Rocco's video. Here we see this dog-faced, foul-mouthed, sow pushing Rooco away using her left arm. In most states this unprovoked act may constitute a misdemeanor battery. Fines for battery convictions do not usually exceed $2000.

Everyone has their own approach to such a confrontation. Mine would have been to avoid even speaking with this obnoxious witch but if she confronted and pushed me, I would have immediately called 911 and filed a complaint. 🀬 Rocco is obviously of a different temperament.

The one thing that would have made this video an all time classic suitable for the TV nightly news is if the police had been called, the police announce to the woman that she is being placed under arrest, she resists arrest, she is then subdued by being tased, put in handcuffs and finally she is carted away in the back of a police van. That's what I'd call a win–win. The story has a very happy ending plus Gloria.tv gets plenty of free publicity. πŸ‘Œ
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@Schlaefer, my suggestion is that we save everyone the trouble of getting gender wrong and go straight to the point most agree on: There are two kinds of people - those hassled, burdened, crippled, weighed down with the possibility of bringing forth new life and those who are not.
What a disaster we make of things when we insist on our way rather than seeking and preferring "God's way."More
@Schlaefer, my suggestion is that we save everyone the trouble of getting gender wrong and go straight to the point most agree on: There are two kinds of people - those hassled, burdened, crippled, weighed down with the possibility of bringing forth new life and those who are not.

What a disaster we make of things when we insist on our way rather than seeking and preferring "God's way."
What was the original purpose of Rocco Buttiglione being filmed? Hopefully that is forthcoming!
@Holy Cannoli, it appears you are suggesting the possibility of bad peripheries! 😎 Wouldn't large, bulky men will get us accused of returning provocation for provocation? 😁
Witnesses and a video or two are helpful!
Kidding aside, these kinds of confrontations are sure to increase. We ought to expect …More
What was the original purpose of Rocco Buttiglione being filmed? Hopefully that is forthcoming!

@Holy Cannoli, it appears you are suggesting the possibility of bad peripheries! 😎 Wouldn't large, bulky men will get us accused of returning provocation for provocation? 😁

Witnesses and a video or two are helpful!

Kidding aside, these kinds of confrontations are sure to increase. We ought to expect them, absolutely.

At the root of her argument seems to be that anyone claiming all human life is valuable ought to take responsibility for each and every human life, including those injured or killed in the process of (legally) destroying human life. Meanwhile, those of us who do not value human life ought to be free to throw it away and be permitted to do so with as little risk as possible to the one throwing it away.

This is not about every life a "wanted" life. It's about the demand for impotent sex. And in an effort to fight for ourselves, we find ourselves fighting against ourselves.

...what is it Augustine said? It's not that we "do" sin but we "suffer" sin?
Holy Cannoli
This is definitely one of the best videos I've ever seen on Gloria.tv. πŸ‘
I have 2 suggestions for 'next time.' 1) Avoid outdoor (public) venues for filming especially when dealing with highly charged/controversial subjects. However, if there are compelling reasons to film outdoors, do the filming in an area that is not so readily accessible to the hoi polloi for reasons clearly demonstrated in …More
This is definitely one of the best videos I've ever seen on Gloria.tv. πŸ‘

I have 2 suggestions for 'next time.' 1) Avoid outdoor (public) venues for filming especially when dealing with highly charged/controversial subjects. However, if there are compelling reasons to film outdoors, do the filming in an area that is not so readily accessible to the hoi polloi for reasons clearly demonstrated in this video.

2) Although Rocco does not hold signs in this video, I would strongly encourage any of the pro-lifers who do hold signs in public have at least one or more security persons present at their demonstration. Off duty police would be ideal but if that is not possible then large, bulky, mean looking (preferably a minority or here ) individuals should be present to provide assistance just in case protection is needed. 😑

Rocco's tolerance and compassion for this female nitwit is admirable. However, as seen in the video, even as he exhibits a courageous amount of pity for this miserable creature, she still continues to verbally attack him mercilessly. 🀫

We could advocate the most admirable traits of honor and propriety but these kinds of animals will still scrape up their feces and hurl it at us, all while claiming we are the ones doing it. It is far past time to collect on the debt of misery. With interest. πŸ‘Œ
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