The two men were described as being in their thirties and both sporting beards and are said to have prayed in Arabic while the nuns were conducting their evening prayers. The pair also signed the guestbook of the monastery writing “Allah u Ackbar” though there were no reports of any violence taking place L’Est Républicain reports.
Bishop of Verdun Jean-Paul Gabriel Émile Gusching said commented …More
The two men were described as being in their thirties and both sporting beards and are said to have prayed in Arabic while the nuns were conducting their evening prayers. The pair also signed the guestbook of the monastery writing “Allah u Ackbar” though there were no reports of any violence taking place L’Est Républicain reports.

Bishop of Verdun Jean-Paul Gabriel Émile Gusching said commented on the matter saying, “they prayed in Arabic during Vespers,” and added, “They presented themselves as harbingers and told them: if you do not convert, you will go to hell.’

Islamists Barge Into French Monastery During Prayers, Demand Nuns Convert To Islam

THIERRY ZOCCOLAN/AFP/Getty Images 18 Nov, 2017 18 Nov, 2017 Two Islamist men barged into the Carmelite Verdun monastery …
Lux de Coelo
@aderito make up your mind
maybe not in jail ,but it would not be a big deal
if it was in canada the nuns would be in jail