
Francis Appeared In Wheelchair

Francis appeared on May 5 in a wheelchair. He was pushed to the stage of Paul VI audience hall to meet the assembly of the International Union of Superiors General. An aide helped him out of the wheelchair onto his seat.

According to Vatican press speaker Matteo Bruni, he has been using the wheelchair for non-public movements in recent days.

Francis has great difficulties to walk and has evidently been in pain for months. It was demonstrably worse at the May 4 general audience (video below).


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Treasa van Ommen Kloeke
Benedict XVI
Ik hoop het.
Fauci Fact: Pushing a wheel-chair prevents catching/ spreading Covid. That's why the guy in the suit doesn't need a mask.
Too fat, living the good life. Lose a few kilos, fatty. 👎
Wilma Lopez
Sorry to see that Pope Francis is in so much pain that he has to be in a wheel chair
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He whines about his knee every day to audiences. Boo Hoo Bergoglio. Grow up!! If he has serious life threatening things as well, that's different. Vatican is silent about that. I think he's declining fast. But he should stop whining and looking for people to cheer when he tries to take a step. Nauseating.
Wilma Lopez