Despair? The Pope of the "Poor" Uses the Methods of the Rich

At the end of 2024 the management of the properties of the Holy See will pass from Apsa to Tecnocasa, writes

Apsa is the management of the patrimony of the Holy See. Tecnocasa Holding S.p.A. is an international Italian real estate company based near Milan.

Behind the move is Apsa's secretary, Fabio Gasperini. He is a former employee of Ernst & Young, a company close to Italy's parlour socialism. According to MessaInLatino, Gasperini "knows nothing about the Church and the Vatican and carries out his role as if Apsa were a company like any other".

Tecnocasa has already taken over the management of Propaganda Fidei's properties. As never before, the Vatican needs money.

After losing its own resources, the Secretariat of State is struggling to pay its staff and maintain its 187 nunciatures. As a consequence, it begins to sell off properties.

The latest news is that the Secretariat of State has turned to specialised companies to sell the nunciatures in Paris and Vienna. The Tokyo nunciature has already been sold for 200 million dollars.

In France, the Holy See has sold a valuable property near the Arc de Triomphe.

In Italy, the Holy See owned 4,072 properties in 2023, many of which have been alienated and even sold.

The two shops within the Vatican State will also be handed over to external companies. Three major brands are competing for the supermarket at the entrance to Sant'Anna: Conad, Esselunga and Agorà.

By resorting to outsourcing, Francis has already sent 600 Vatican employees home. At least another 300 Vatican employees and state workers will follow.

Francis has also abolished the Vatican's labour office to which workers could appeal in the event of a dispute. The 15 labour lawyers who dealt with workers' appeals and disputes have been fired.

Picture: Pietro Parolin © Mazur CC BY-NC-SA, #newsDglhylpgjx

Two peas in a pod.
In my experience all those liberals who say things must be done to "help the poor" are hypocrites reaching for power. Just look at our "ruling class". Also this was Judas' excuse to disdain worship of Jesus!
Billy F
Judas Iscariot, The Patron Saint of Social Justice !
Maria delos Angeles
Read Rich church, poor church, by Fr Malachi Martin