
Female Ordination: Belgian Jesuit Has Problems With His Shoe

Father Charles Delhez, 68, a Belgian Jesuit, praised Anne Soupa, 73, who in her old age wants to become Lyon archbishopess, France.

Delhez confesses on La-Croix.com (June 2) that he has “evolved” regarding female ordination, but admits having always had "rather feminist tendencies."

He calls the sacraments a "sacramental vice" which has become a "quasi-monopoly of priests and men" and which should be "loosened." Delhez is wrong. The sacraments are not a "quasi-monopoly" but a real monopoly of the priests. They have not "become" like that but where instituted as such by Christ.

It's also simplistic to identify "priests" with "men" as only an infinitesimal number of men is or will ever become priests. Neither do priests represent "men." The represent the true man Jesus Christ.

For Delhez having no ordained women "today" is like having “a pebble in one’s shoe.” Therefore, he recommends as a “first step” to come up with “deaconesses” and “female cardinals.” He should rather take care of his shoe.

Bild: Charles Delhez, Wikicommons, CC-BY-SA