
England: "Vaccinated" Below 60 Are Dying TWICE THE RATE Of Unvaccinated

Vaccinated Englishmen under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people from the same age group according to data published by the British government in November.

The blue line in the attached statistic shows how many unvaccinated people aged 10-59 died (per 100,000 people) every week in England between April-September 2021 from whatever cause. Average: 1,337.

The brown line shows how many vaccinated people aged 10-59 died (per 100,000 people) every week in England between April-September 2021 from whatever cause. Average: 2,433.

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson checked the dataset. His conclusion, “I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality.”


Most are so brainwashed that even this news will have no effect
Hugh N. Cry
Wake up