
Schneider: "Mass Not Private Property Of A Pope"

With Traditionis Custodes, Francis gives to Bishop Athanasius Schneider the impression of a shepherd "who instead of having the smell of his sheep, is angrily beating them with a stick.”

Schneider told RemnantNewspaper.com (July 24) that Francis talks about “dialogue, patience, a warmth and welcome which is non-judgmental” while TC is a sign of “pastoral intolerance" and "spiritual rigidity.”

While Francis' Abu Dhabi document embraces a “diversity of religions,” now he resolutely rejects the diversity of liturgical forms. However, Schneider explains that the Roman Rite is a thousand-year-old liturgical treasure and “not the private property of a pope."

His conclusion, “Seminarians and young priests must ask for the right to use this common treasure of the Church, and should they be denied this right, they can use it nevertheless, perhaps in a clandestine manner.” Schneider grew up in the Soviet Union where his family practiced the faith underground.

For Schneider, this is “not” disobedience, but an act of obedience to the Church because Francis' rejection of the Roman Rite represents only "a short-lived phenomenon compared to the constant spirit and praxis of the Church.”

In the meantime, Schneider is expecting a Motu Proprio with “strict norms” suppressing the practice of “LGBT-Masses” whose designation as such alone is "a blasphemy" and "an outrage to the divine majesty." Nevertheless, such events “are tolerated by the Holy See and many bishops.”

Picture: Athanasius Schneider, © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPpeeeygxim

P. O'B
It seems like every just criticism of Francis about his trashing the Traditional Mass could also be said about Paul VI some fifty years ago. How come he was canonized?
Maria Pocs
After 8+ years of “Pope” Francis, we have learned that atheists who have their children baptized are “good” and therefore can go to Heaven; Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass without his gracious permission, not so much
Papal infallibility does not mean that a pope cannot make a mistake in their statements, opinions and writings that are not dogmatically defined. The first example being Pope St. Peter who wanted to apply Jewish rites of initiation and dietary laws to new Roman and Greek gentile converts and was corrected by St. Paul.
Tony M
There is a massive difference between "making mistakes in their statements", as you put it Philosopher, to repeatedly and manifestly making statements to the Church & the world that are heretical and consistently refusing to retract them.
We have a much bigger problem with Bergoglio than you are prepared to admit or get your head around.
As 1+1 does not equal 3.....a Pope cannot be a manifest heretic …More
There is a massive difference between "making mistakes in their statements", as you put it Philosopher, to repeatedly and manifestly making statements to the Church & the world that are heretical and consistently refusing to retract them.
We have a much bigger problem with Bergoglio than you are prepared to admit or get your head around.
As 1+1 does not equal 3.....a Pope cannot be a manifest heretic....refer to St Robert Bellarmine & St Francis de Sales about that.
@Tony M Sedevacantism does not provide the solution to resolving the apparent contradictions between the behavior of modernists in the hierarchy of the Church and Catholic orthodoxy. It is the argument of the children of an abusive father, who cry out, this man can't possibly be my father after doing and saying x,y, and z. One cannot exist without a father, and to be Catholic is to have a pope. A …More
@Tony M Sedevacantism does not provide the solution to resolving the apparent contradictions between the behavior of modernists in the hierarchy of the Church and Catholic orthodoxy. It is the argument of the children of an abusive father, who cry out, this man can't possibly be my father after doing and saying x,y, and z. One cannot exist without a father, and to be Catholic is to have a pope. A Catholicism without the pope is not Catholicism but Eastern Orthodoxy or Anglicanism. The present pontif with all his faults and modernism ideology is still the pope. However, his abuse of authority and unjust decrees may in charity and filial love be resisted. Pray for Pope Francis.
Tony M
The evidence of a canonically invalid resignation by Benedict is mountainous.
Remember we have the most heretical & sacrilegious communion sanctioning (Amoris Laetitia) , blasphemous & idol worshipping (Pachamama) man on the Chair of Peter in Catholic Church history, following a surreally rare event in Church History....a Pope supposedly resigning.....al of this after decades of heretical, modernism …More
The evidence of a canonically invalid resignation by Benedict is mountainous.
Remember we have the most heretical & sacrilegious communion sanctioning (Amoris Laetitia) , blasphemous & idol worshipping (Pachamama) man on the Chair of Peter in Catholic Church history, following a surreally rare event in Church History....a Pope supposedly resigning.....al of this after decades of heretical, modernism escalating in our Church following Vatican II.
(Do you remember thinking "What is going to happen now?" when Benedict stepped aside??)
Now you know....we have the heretic Bergoglio destroying our beloved Church.
He is not behaving like a pope....but like an antipope
I suggest you buy and read the Book Benedict XVI: Pope "Emeritis"? The book looks at every canon law & Apostolic Constitution (Universi Dominici Gregis) that was breached in the process of Benedict resigning, and Bergoglio taking the Chair in Rome..... this man who had been, in Argentina, a heretic for decades before March 13, 2013. He did not suddenly become a heretic in 2013, when he came to Rome. I was in Argentina and spoke to some of the local orthodox Catholics there.
He has been a liberal lefty for a long, long time. This leopard has not changed his spots.
The Book written by a lawyer Estefania Acosta, it is the most comprehensive account of the canonical problems with heretic Bergoglio coming to the Chair of Peter.
I am with the many orthodox Catholics who say, "We do have a Pope. His name is Benedict XVI".
This has nothing to do with Sedevacantism.
Sounds like a scourging at the pillar! Christ did not ask us to rise from the dead but rather to pick up the cross!