
Council Church: A "Bishop" And His "Seminarians"

Bishop Fernando García Cadiñanos, 53, of Mondoñedo-Ferrol, Spain, with his future priests.

La Cigüeña De La Torre (InfoVaticana.com, December 29) commented, "I don't say anything."


Jan Joseph
Daar hebben we hem weer, regenboogvlag, de geel witte vlag van het Vaticaan kunnen ze wel vervangen door de regenboogvlag. Is er nog een hetero seriële man in het Vaticaan te vinden?
While I may be "Technically Not A Troll" you undoubtedly are one. @Ivan Thomas Your garbage doesn't square with that faux-pious "Matthew 5,6" you've got on your profile page. Proof again, scratch a bigot and you find a hypocrite. As Steve D would say, "Every. Single. Time." :P
Ivan Tomas
Yes you are a troll. An ultratroll.
Accept your function titel just as you've accepted your job here at GTV.
That explains why YOU started throwing abuse at someone who didn't even comment here. Not until YOU went out of your way to be obnoxious. Because that ISN'T trolling. Typical bigot hypocrisy. You should change your avatar. Your'e not a "Nazarene" or even a Catholic. Your loyalty isn't to God, or His Church. It's to a failed ideology..
Congrats, Ivan. You got a "Bigot Bark". That means you said something Steve D wasn't smart enough to think of himself. I get them too from time to time. That isn't a "reductio ad-anything" Steve. It's a history lesson. The more things change, the more things stay the same in the Netherlands..Once again you stooges have completely hijacked another post with your garbage.
One more comment from Ultraviolet
I'm not, Steve-O Truth is, I'm thrilled you morons are behaving like this. Eventually the admin will get sick of your topic shifting and post hijacking. Then you'll join Celia Lopez.Surely you've noticed. ;-)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Who needs a bishop or priests like that....or for that matter, the kind of Church Francis and associates are trying to create. I always thought the duty of the Pope was to preserve Catholic Faith and Tradition, not destroy it and create something entirely new.
Ivan Tomas
Which of those 5 is Ultraviolent aka TNT?