
"No Longer Catholic" - Cardinal Müller

The indifferent participation of "Catholics" at Protestant Last Supper services and of "Protestants" at mass including Communion during the Ecumenical Congress in Frankfurt, Germany, was "a provocation of the teaching authority of the Catholic Church".

Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller said this to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur, explaining that no one can declare the contradictions between the Protestant and Catholic creeds to be irrelevant or ignore them [unless they believe neither one nor the other].

Anyone who behaves in contradiction to Catholic teaching and its binding interpretation by the Roman Magisterium "is no longer Catholic,” Müller said.

During the Mass with Protestant Communion, Presiding Bishop Georg Bätzing sat in the pew and had already approved of it in advance. However, Bätzing was never suspected of being a Catholic.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsHqcclyuiba

la verdad prevalece
John A Cassani
He has given us more than enough evidence from his own mouth to sustain charges of heresy, if we could try him before a pre-conciliar court. How can anything that Lutherans do be equal to what Catholics do, when the Lutherans don’t believe that Sacraments cause grace?
Of course, in practice, most Catholics are functional Lutherans, in that they don’t believe in sacramental efficacy. This includes …More
He has given us more than enough evidence from his own mouth to sustain charges of heresy, if we could try him before a pre-conciliar court. How can anything that Lutherans do be equal to what Catholics do, when the Lutherans don’t believe that Sacraments cause grace?
Of course, in practice, most Catholics are functional Lutherans, in that they don’t believe in sacramental efficacy. This includes not only the Eucharist, but even Baptism, which I believe are the only two even recognized as “sacraments” by the Lutherans.
Key note of the current pontificate? Increase in sacrilege against the Blessed Sacrament