
Fighter Against Gestapo Again Arrested (Video)

Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been re-arrested on September 27 at his return to Canada after a four-months speaking tour in the US.

Landing in Calgary in a private charter flight, border officers caught Pawlowski before he could meet his family. After intervention of his lawyers he was released on bail.

Pawlowski had a court hearing earlier this month that was set to determine whether he would be returning to jail following his defiance of Alberta’s lockdown orders. He addressed the court virtually, and court was adjourned until October 13. He and his brother were found guilty of contempt for violating COVID-19 orders by leading public worship.

Adam Soos admits on RebelNews.com that many criticise Pawlowski for calling police Gestapo and Canada a police state. Soos comments that "they are simply vanishing people off planes as they arrive without informing their families and if that isn’t the conduct of the Gestapo, I don’t know what is.”


Augustyn z Hippony
Do you belive that our vote have metter? "Dose not metter who vote, mette who count a voices"
( Joseph Isarionovich Stalin)
You vote, win who will should. Like now.
Shoulda stayed in Murrica, Pastor. :D This country's pretty laid back when it comes to illegal immigrants, y'know? ;-)
If he was a BLM leader they would take a knee and bow down.