Cardinal Müller Reaffirms: Top Vatican Official Thinks "No Mass better than Latin Mass"

Cardinal Gerhard Müller repeated to that a top official in the Dicastery for Liturgy told him that he prefers empty churches to Masses in the Roman Rite.

Müller told the official that he was moved by the 20,000 young faithful in Chartres Cathedral on Pentecost. But the Vatican official objected that this was not joyful because the Mass was in the Roman rite.

The Cardinal summarizes him: "He said, 'It is more important that they respect the 'new' form of the Latin rite. If not, they should not come. It is better to have an empty church than a church full of these young people.'"

Müller's position on the Roman Rite is that the same substance of the Holy Mass is expressed in different forms. The Church has more than 20 rites and wants this variety: "It is not pastoral if there is only the authoritarian way of one form."

Müller adds that Francis always claims that the Church is open to all, Todos. Todos. Todos.


Top Vatican Official: "uh...Did I just say that out loud?"