
Cardinal Müller: Dicastery for Divine Worship Concerned About Chartres Pilgrimage

Cardinal Gerhard Müller ordained two priests and five deacons in the Roman Rite in Courtalain on June 29, reports InfoVaticana.com.

Courtalain, in the Diocese of Chartres, France, is home to the seminary of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, which is committed to the Roman rite.

During his homily, Cardinal Müller revealed that "high officials of the Roman Curia are bent on persecuting the traditional Mass".

He recently had a conversation "with a high representative of the Roman Dicastery for Divine Worship".

"I was still moved by the fidelity of the 20,000 young Catholics with whom I was able to celebrate Holy Mass in the beautiful cathedral of Chartres on Pentecost Monday, when he objected to me that this was no reason for joy, since this Holy Mass was celebrated according to the ancient extraordinary Latin rite."

Cardinal Müller added that "some see in the ancient rite of the Holy Mass a greater danger for the unity of the Church than the reinterpretation of the Creed or even the absence of the Holy Mass".

The enemies of the Mass "interpret the preference for the ancient rite as the expression of a sterile traditionalism that is more interested in the theatricality of the liturgy than in the living communion with God that it conveys."


“Sterile” indeed. What a monstrosity of projection. As if the crippling and disfiguring zeitgeist of the NO isn’t, by all observable and empirical proofs, the definition and epitome of STERILITY, having imposed decades and generations of abject barrenness — a veritable abortive plague of impotence and infertility — upon the the entirety of Holy Mother Church, infecting all aspects of her mission …More
“Sterile” indeed. What a monstrosity of projection. As if the crippling and disfiguring zeitgeist of the NO isn’t, by all observable and empirical proofs, the definition and epitome of STERILITY, having imposed decades and generations of abject barrenness — a veritable abortive plague of impotence and infertility — upon the the entirety of Holy Mother Church, infecting all aspects of her mission, message, manner, methods and ministry. Over half a century of spine-chilling, bone-crushing, death-dealing barrenness upon the whole Church, always and everywhere (except in small pockets of fierce resistance that remain steeped in Tradition) relentlessly and unabated. THAT then, is the actual grievous phenomena that can truly be defined and confirmed as “sterile.”
@Father Karl A Claver It is not the Church that is committing suicide but the homosexual mafia that took over the Church which is cutting off her lifeline.
Father Karl A Claver
By corrupting the sacraments and condemning sacramentals, the Church is committing suicide.
Louis IX
"interpret the preference for the ancient rite as the expression of a sterile traditionalism that is more interested in the theatricality of the liturgy than in the living communion with God that it conveys." Who are these men to “interpret” anything? To question motives of attendees of the TLM? To judge the internal forum of another Christian? These are the men who need censor in the Church, not …More
"interpret the preference for the ancient rite as the expression of a sterile traditionalism that is more interested in the theatricality of the liturgy than in the living communion with God that it conveys." Who are these men to “interpret” anything? To question motives of attendees of the TLM? To judge the internal forum of another Christian? These are the men who need censor in the Church, not faithful Catholics.
Müller only spoke about anonymous officials and didn't name anybody.
These men are Francis and Roche and his secretary.
There is some logic here i.e. you always judge by externals not internal things. Now, if:
1. The principle of the indult system is sentimentalism towards the "extraordinary form" of the ordinary NOM and adherence to certain, old aesthetics (theatricality) which is explicitly set in indult documents, starting from Montini and ending with Bergoglio.
2. One takes part in the described system (which …More
There is some logic here i.e. you always judge by externals not internal things. Now, if:
1. The principle of the indult system is sentimentalism towards the "extraordinary form" of the ordinary NOM and adherence to certain, old aesthetics (theatricality) which is explicitly set in indult documents, starting from Montini and ending with Bergoglio.
2. One takes part in the described system (which happens within the external, not internal forum),
you can deem that he accepts 1.