Sally Dorman
He is correct on this one
True Mass
Vatican is fixated and obsessed with homosexuality. This ain't the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Long Live Vigano. All the other recognize and resist Cards and Bishops and Catholic Media are culpable.
"This is a blessing... not included in any liturgical rite"
Dichiarazione “Fiducia supplicans” sul senso pastorale delle benedizioni del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede
Sounds like contradictio in adiecto.
Like Vatican II with no extraordinary magisterium whatsoever as an "ecumenical council".More
"This is a blessing... not included in any liturgical rite"
Dichiarazione “Fiducia supplicans” sul senso pastorale delle benedizioni del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede

Sounds like contradictio in adiecto.
Like Vatican II with no extraordinary magisterium whatsoever as an "ecumenical council".
John A Cassani
What is going to happen with the priests who won’t go along with this? The majority of young priests certainly will not be comfortable with it, and, hopefully, will refuse (though many will do it, against their conscience). I don’t see bishops protecting them from cancellation. This has potential to cause upheaval.
Sally Dorman
Important question!
Niki Cole
We all know the answer: They are thrown under the bus and have little support (maybe we here)
There’s a reference to “discernment” by the priest. But we know that is there to give a false sense of security until this rot is widespread. Then the faithful priests will be targeted.
Sadly, the vast majority of the Bishops throughout the world — with the exception of those in Africa — will concur with this BS excreted out of the Vatican and will insist that their Priests conform in obedience to Rome. Unfortunately, we’ve been to this rodeo before, and will, most likely, be forced to go again.
Sandy Barrett
The Vatican produced this propaganda to imply that they're more "merciful" than the old church they're trying to destroy.