
Child born of DNA from three people

A child born five months ago to Jordanian parents is the first to be born through a new method using DNA from three people: both "parents" and an egg donor. Read the related article here. Heralded by …More
A child born five months ago to Jordanian parents is the first to be born through a new method using DNA from three people: both "parents" and an egg donor. Read the related article here.
Heralded by a panel of U.S. government advisers as an "ethical" approach to test in people, other studies (such as this one) proves that children born of these methods suffer tremendously.
Greater detail is emerging, including this explanation of four unborn children killed in the process.
@Jungerheld No I didn't follow that link. I'm glad you pointed it out to me. I knew the IVF technique has been available for some time but I had no idea how many people were using it. Hard to believe that 30,000-60,000 babies are born in this country every year via IVF. Maybe that explains a lot of the mass shooting and weird stuff that's happening in our world today. Unfortunately, we're not allowed …More
@Jungerheld No I didn't follow that link. I'm glad you pointed it out to me. I knew the IVF technique has been available for some time but I had no idea how many people were using it. Hard to believe that 30,000-60,000 babies are born in this country every year via IVF. Maybe that explains a lot of the mass shooting and weird stuff that's happening in our world today. Unfortunately, we're not allowed to know what becomes of those children when they grow up. Are they the diving force behind LGBT, mass shooting in schools, ... We aren't allowed to know because the companies making money via those procedures don't want you to know. It's scary. Man's greed is destroying this world.
@GodsCowboy did you happen to read the second link that discusses the harm expressed by adult children "created" through IVF? It's a terrible hardship we are inflicting on others and we will be held accountable. It is a tragedy that, with all of the babies needing homes, we insist that we *must* have a child made in our own image and likeness.
Today we are just beginning to notice the importance of the difference between organic and non-organic foods. We are also seeing a difference between fish and animal life that are allowed to run free verses those that are raised feed in captivity. The free range versions find good organic food to eat and get exercise. They're healthier and provide healthier food for humans. However, the versions …More

Today we are just beginning to notice the importance of the difference between organic and non-organic foods. We are also seeing a difference between fish and animal life that are allowed to run free verses those that are raised feed in captivity. The free range versions find good organic food to eat and get exercise. They're healthier and provide healthier food for humans. However, the versions raised in captivity are feed the cheapest feed man can find (everything is about profits). They're not allowed to get much exercise and they're injected with drugs to make them grow bigger and faster. All of which aren't good for our health. Again it's all about the money.

The same things are going to be true for humans that are created organically verses those that are created manually. The question is how long will it take us to discover the differences. Will we be able to go back to GOD'S way or will we be like Adam and Eve chased out of the Garden of Eden never to return there again?

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐
Talk about strange gods. Man is trying to be god and that's asking for trouble. I BELIEVE IVF is wrong and this is even worse.
Man does things for profit. This too is a profit making system. People who once might have adopted a baby are going to order their custom made version from the soon to be created baby factory. The day will come when only the poor will have babies the old fashioned way.…More

Talk about strange gods. Man is trying to be god and that's asking for trouble. I BELIEVE IVF is wrong and this is even worse.

Man does things for profit. This too is a profit making system. People who once might have adopted a baby are going to order their custom made version from the soon to be created baby factory. The day will come when only the poor will have babies the old fashioned way. Everyone else will be ordering them like they special order a new car today. Some people will except a discounted baby that wasn't exactly what was ordered or one that was refused when a family that changed their minds.

My prayer that one day down the road man discovers his medically created babies are less healthy long term than those created GOD'S way and they admit their mistake rather than hide it which is the norm today. I also pray that this happens before we go to far down the wrong road and create monsters. People are going to want 7 foot tall sport star children and they'll continue to push the envelop until everyone looks like a sport star but at what cost.

Everything man creates has good and bad benefits. Unfortunately, the profit side of the equation trumps any possible negative impact. In fact, those negatives are always hid from the public so the businesses can make their profits and recover their investments.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐