St. Alban's Cathedral was taken from Catholics after the Dissolution of the Monasteries by Henry VIII and now the Church of England is using it to host inflatable obstacle courses.
Perhaps, it's time to write a dissertation on inflatability of Protestant "churches".
The website does not mention anything like inflatable amusement thing:
St Albans Cathedral
Dr Bobus
An inflatable obstacle course is an appropriate symbol of the Anglican "church".
Everyday for Life Canada
And a form of this failed Protestantism is what the pope is pushing today. Decentralize and accommodate into a Church of irrelevance.
Denis Efimov
"Bardas, the uncle of the drunken Emperor Michael III, who ruled the state for him, lived incestuously with the widow of his own son. The saintly Bishop Ignatius admonished him on that account, but in vain; and so on the occasion of a Divine Liturgy in the year 857 he declared him to be a public scandal. The result was rage, the banishment of St. Ignatius, a new Patriarch — Photius — and the …More
"Bardas, the uncle of the drunken Emperor Michael III, who ruled the state for him, lived incestuously with the widow of his own son. The saintly Bishop Ignatius admonished him on that account, but in vain; and so on the occasion of a Divine Liturgy in the year 857 he declared him to be a public scandal. The result was rage, the banishment of St. Ignatius, a new Patriarch — Photius — and the beginning of Orthodoxy.

Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk, broke his vows, pulled a nun out of the cloister, took her as his wife and founded Protestantism.

Henry VIII, King of England, was weary of married life with Catharine of Aragon, and wanted Anne Boleyn as his wife; after that he changed his wives as though they were gloves, and so the depraved monarch founded the Anglican Church in 1537, because the Pope would not and could not allow him to transgress God’s law in that way.

Those are the origins of defection from Christ’s Church!" (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
Billy F
The wicked Henry VIII and his Bastard Witch Daughter Elizabeth brought much evil!!!