
Acquitted: "We Don't Have To Agree With Everything Francis Does" - Cardinal Pell

The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith has "acquitted" him of infamous charges of "pedophilia," Cardinal Pell told Nd.nl in a wide-ranging May 22 interview. Pell was convicted in February 2019 by …More
The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith has "acquitted" him of infamous charges of "pedophilia," Cardinal Pell told Nd.nl in a wide-ranging May 22 interview.
Pell was convicted in February 2019 by a Melbourne kangaroo court although his accuser had changed his bogus story 24 (!) times. The cardinal was convicted of having "raping" a minor in a [crowed!] sacristy after Mass. The Australian High Court finally acquitted Pell in April 2020.
In prison, Pell received messages from Francis, “Our relationship is very cordial.” However, when pressed about the fact that his beliefs and those of Francis diverge, Pell only replied “hmhm” while nodding slightly and adding that "the Pope is the head of the Church and deserves our respect, but we don't always have to agree with everything he does."
For Pell, Francis’ Amoris Laetitia on adulterer Communion is “unclear” and “ambiguous” although Francis has made its meaning very clear. He thinks that Francis would [falsely] claim that he hasn’t changed …More
"the Pope is the head of the Church and deserves our respect, but we don't always have to agree with everything he does." -or says, or promotes, or, or, or... I may submit to a stupid boss because he is the boss and I'm not. But that doesn't change the fact he's still stupid and respect is something that must be earned.
WE have a deposit of Faith ,the doctrine of our Lord Jesus ,that is what we should follow not washed up modernism sinods ,that brings confusion not Truth, Jesus is the Way The Truth and Life ,no one goes to the Father except by Him