
Archbishop Viganò Back In Italy: Confession Not Available Anymore

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò currently drives around in Northern Italy, he told Robert Moynihan (InsideTheVatican.com, February 26).

Viganò reports that Italians are afraid of the coronavirus, and the shelves in the supermarkets are getting empty.

He went for confession and was received only because he is a priest. For the faithful, the doors of the churches are closed.

Personally, he is more and more attracted to Latin and celebrates Mass after Matins and Lauds at 7:30 according to the Original Ambrosian Rite of Milan Archdiocese where he was born.

He prays for Francis “that he becomes Peter” [strange wording], repents any shortcomings, and confirms his brethren in the faith of all times.


Everytime Thor's wrong, he resorts to solid bold "headlines" and heavy underlining. It's nothing more than online shouting after he's been shown wrong again.
"The opening post of this thread states that Archbishop Vigano prays for francis so that he becomes Peter."
...the article explicitly said "Pope Francis" not just "Francis". I also linked the article so you could read it. Either you …More
Everytime Thor's wrong, he resorts to solid bold "headlines" and heavy underlining. It's nothing more than online shouting after he's been shown wrong again.

"The opening post of this thread states that Archbishop Vigano prays for francis so that he becomes Peter."

...the article explicitly said "Pope Francis" not just "Francis". I also linked the article so you could read it. Either you didn't read it or you did and told another falsehood anyway. Which is it, Thor? ;-)

So your conclusion is built on a demonstrably false premise, i.e. an incorrect and abbreviated passage.

"These interpretations are simply the common meaning of what the archbishop says."

..."the common meaning" as defined by Thors Catholic Dictionary. :D You always fabricate this kind of imaginary "support" when you're wrong.

"Everyone knows", "most Catholics can tell", "the common meaning", and so on. You just make this all up as you go. :D
Thors Catholic Hammer
The opening post of this thread states that Archbishop Vigano prays for francis so that he becomes Peter.
Quite obviously then Vigano believes that “francis “ is not Peter and certainly not a pope.
These interpretations are simply the common meaning of what the archbishop says.
The poor deeply confused Vigano now believes that he can turn francis into a valid pope by praying for it to happen.
The opening post of this thread states that Archbishop Vigano prays for francis so that he becomes Peter.
Quite obviously then Vigano believes that “francis “ is not Peter and certainly not a pope.
These interpretations are simply the common meaning of what the archbishop says.
The poor deeply confused Vigano now believes that he can turn francis into a valid pope by praying for it to happen.
This is all very very sad.

Avoidable too since the certainty, now widespread, that Pope Benedict’s xvi resignation remains legally INCOMPLETE.
"To say that any alleged incumbent of the Petrine Office is not Peter"
Here's what the article actually said: "Vigano also passed on to Dr. Moynihan that he also prays for Pope Francis"
So Archbishop Vigano did not say what you claim. Thors Catholic Hammer You're making things up again, Thor, telling lies again, Thor. Pretending your interpretation is …More
"To say that any alleged incumbent of the Petrine Office is not Peter"

Here's what the article actually said: "Vigano also passed on to Dr. Moynihan that he also prays for Pope Francis"

So Archbishop Vigano did not say what you claim. Thors Catholic Hammer You're making things up again, Thor, telling lies again, Thor. Pretending your interpretation is fact again, Thor. Just like you do every day, Thor.

"to reveal that he believes Bergoglio is an antipope."

Adding 50% more passive verbs doesn't change a lie, Thor.. Archbishop Vigano did not say he believes that at all. You do that every time you're telling a lie. I'm fascinated you've never changed tactics even when it's constantly debunked.

"We now have two catholic bishops and one Archbishop stating publicly that Francis is not a pope."

This Archbishop isn't saying what you're saying. If anything, Archbishop Vigano explicitly acknowledged Francis as Pope. If he prays for Pope Francis, guess what that makes Francis?

"Add to that the four cardinals and hundreds of theologicans and academics who have accused Francis of heresy and a prima facia case is without doubt now in existence."

Standard Thor Tactic #71: Band-Wagon Fallacy to invent imaginary support, written with passive voice verbs like a news item, in this case fake news.
Thors Catholic Hammer
To say that any alleged incumbent of the Petrine Office is not Peter is to allege by metaphor a bogus pope.
Indeed Viganos credible claims concerning papal apostasy on their own are sufficient to reveal that he believes Bergoglio is an antipope.
We now have two catholic bishops and one Archbishop stating publicly that Francis is not a pope.
Add to that the four cardinals and hundreds of theologicans …More
To say that any alleged incumbent of the Petrine Office is not Peter is to allege by metaphor a bogus pope.
Indeed Viganos credible claims concerning papal apostasy on their own are sufficient to reveal that he believes Bergoglio is an antipope.
We now have two catholic bishops and one Archbishop stating publicly that Francis is not a pope.

Add to that the four cardinals and hundreds of theologicans and academics who have accused Francis of heresy and a prima facia case is without doubt now in existence.
But can Catholics hang about while a manifest heretic like francis wields his wrecking ball?
I say no.
"it can only mean..." Wrong again Thors Catholic Hammer Your self-serving interpretation is not an absolute. Vigano uses "Peter" as a metaphor for the Papal ideal.
"Vigano thinks that alleged occupant is NOT PETER."
That's self-evident. Pope Francis isn't Pope Peter. He isn't Pius or Leo or Marcellus, either.
In this context, only someone who is already Pope could ever aspire to the standard …More
"it can only mean..." Wrong again Thors Catholic Hammer Your self-serving interpretation is not an absolute. Vigano uses "Peter" as a metaphor for the Papal ideal.

"Vigano thinks that alleged occupant is NOT PETER."

That's self-evident. Pope Francis isn't Pope Peter. He isn't Pius or Leo or Marcellus, either.

In this context, only someone who is already Pope could ever aspire to the standard set by the first Pope Christ chose. Meaning, Vigano's metaphor presupposes Francis is Pope..

Gotcha! :D

I love it when you try using reason to argue to a conclusion. It always ends badly.

It's your own fault, Thor. That's what comes from resorting to bad rhetoric based on repetition and falsehoods. You've simply forgotten how to reason and I'm generously assuming you once did.

Try again, Crackers... this time without the No True Scotsman fallacy about "only idiots and fools would think otherwise". Even your nasty jibe is a fallacy. You can't even do that right. ;-)
Thors Catholic Hammer
When Vigano asks the alleged occupant of the Chair of Peter to be Peter it can only mean that Vigano thinks that alleged occupant is NOT PETER.
Only idiots and fools would think otherwise.
"Archbishop Vigano effectively states that “Francis” is not a pope." -another LIE from Thors Catholic Hammer. Vigano said no such thing, nor did he imply it as Thor is claiming with that false qualification of "effectively states".
Viganò's strange formula makes him wonder whether Bergoglio is Pope or not: that's a breakthrough! Lenga, for his part, decided: "He's a usurper! "Gracida also made the same decision.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Three Catholic Bishops can now not ascertain just who the visible head of the Catholic Church actually is.
It’s quite obvious with such serious doubts around that the only possible answer is Pope Benedict xvi on the basis an incomplete and defective resignation.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Archbishop Vigano effectively states that “Francis” is not a pope.
He is indeed correct
So in Viganos strange head the See of Peter is vacant.
Like a whole bunch of deluded Catholics Vigano accepts the false imperfect resignation of pope Benedict as valid.
Ah well.More
Archbishop Vigano effectively states that “Francis” is not a pope.
He is indeed correct

So in Viganos strange head the See of Peter is vacant.
Like a whole bunch of deluded Catholics Vigano accepts the false imperfect resignation of pope Benedict as valid.
Ah well.
Sorry to disagree here. Where does he say Francis is not pope?. He is a man with clear words and not double meanings. Read again what he previously wrote. "To become Peter" would imply, he ought to confirm the faithful and not confuse, he ought to teach the faith of our fathers and not some diabolical novelties.
And in general all this talk and discussions, if Francis is pope or not, or pope emeritus …More
Sorry to disagree here. Where does he say Francis is not pope?. He is a man with clear words and not double meanings. Read again what he previously wrote. "To become Peter" would imply, he ought to confirm the faithful and not confuse, he ought to teach the faith of our fathers and not some diabolical novelties.
And in general all this talk and discussions, if Francis is pope or not, or pope emeritus is pope or not, it is in the last instance a waste of effort and a distraction. If every one makes a considerable effort to strike out on the road to sincere conversion and holiness, practice our faith with determination, then it matters not nearly as much, if FI spouts off heresies and possibly blasphemies.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Feel free to disagree anytime.
When an archbishop alludes to the claiment to the See of Peter in such terms it indicates he has serious doubts as to whether such claiment is a pope at all.
To become Peter implies that he has never been Peter.
This is accurate.
The attempt by the college of cardinals to impose the heretic Bergoglio in 2013 contravened canon law.
Conclaves are automatically …More

Feel free to disagree anytime.
When an archbishop alludes to the claiment to the See of Peter in such terms it indicates he has serious doubts as to whether such claiment is a pope at all.
To become Peter implies that he has never been Peter.
This is accurate.
The attempt by the college of cardinals to impose the heretic Bergoglio in 2013 contravened canon law.
Conclaves are automatically invalid if held while a valid pope lives.
Benedict has hot yet fully resigned the papacy.
Unfortunately many still do not sense, smell and recognize PETER. However, prophecy must be fulfilled and elected will be deceived.
Rafał, have you already sensed who Peter is? If you know, write something more about him.
MyronM I hope you like to read and reason. Please feel invited to read my comments... and you'll surely know more about him.
Italian government reassures world: only .05% Italian territory, only .089% of population affected by virus lockdown. “disinformation causes more harm than the virus.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Covid 19. Is highly highly contagious.
The Antipope francis has decided to crawl back under his rock and protect himself.
The Italian govt in the meantime and as usual play the Ostrich.
"The Antipope francis has decided to crawl back under his rock and protect himself." ...said the sorry litle nutter who won't receive communion on the tongue or even use the holy water font anymore. :P