Trzy przypowieści przedstawiające trzy kryzysy w naszym życiu duchowym. Ks. Reto Nay 29. marca 2011 Siódme kazanie Duszpasterstwo akademickie Wawrzyny Wrocław Od minuty 16:30 do 19:00 występują niestety …Więcej
Trzy przypowieści przedstawiające trzy kryzysy w naszym życiu duchowym.
Ks. Reto Nay
29. marca 2011
Siódme kazanie
Duszpasterstwo akademickie Wawrzyny Wrocław
Od minuty 16:30 do 19:00 występują niestety problemy z dźwiękiem. Treść kazania pozostaje jednak zrozumiała. A więc warto mieć trochę cierpliwości i przetrwać te parę minut. Przepraszamy i dziękujemy za wyrozumiałość.
jak sie nazywa ta tlumaczka, chetnie bym ją poznal. Pisać na stachu_mistrzu@op.pl
Doina udostępnia to
Don Reto - Wawrzyny - Wroclaw.
Lenten Retreat in Wroclaw
Poland 2011Więcej
Don Reto - Wawrzyny - Wroclaw.

Lenten Retreat in Wroclaw
Poland 2011
Holy Cannoli
Dear Fr. Nay,
Philippians 3:8 (Douay-Rheims)
8 Furthermore, I count all things to be but loss for the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ, my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but as dung (rubbish, garbage, filth), that I may gain Christ.
I personally would have preferred if you spoke about the sower in Matthew 13 …Więcej
Dear Fr. Nay,

Philippians 3:8 (Douay-Rheims)

8 Furthermore, I count all things to be but loss for the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ, my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but as dung (rubbish, garbage, filth), that I may gain Christ.

I personally would have preferred if you spoke about the sower in Matthew 13 especially with reference to some of the unfortunate things that can happen once the word is sown within us. Nevertheless, this was a good presentation especially when visual examples are given helping us to recall the underlying message behind the examples.

The metaphor of the soup and the soap was excellent. Those kinds of visual images are good because they are easy to remember and they assist us in remembering the subject matter.

Once I heard of a similar image only it involved a glass of milk that the waiter brought to your table. As he put the milk down, he took out a small bottle of ink and put a drop of that ink in your glass of milk. The waiter then stirred the milk so the ink was no longer visible to the naked eye.

Would any of us drink that glass of milk? The contrast of the white glass of milk (the soul in a state of grace) and the drop of black ink (mortal sin) is another image that is extremely easy to remember. I heard the metaphor of the glass of milk and the drop of ink over 10 years ago and never forgot it. And now, neither will you.

From the minute 16.30 to 19.00 the sound is bad. We apologize for the technical problems. The content of the homily still remains understandable for those that have patience to go through these couple of minutes. Thanks for your understanding. 🚬 🤗