
Is This the Reason Why All Churches Needed to Be Closed?

A priest in a Polish Church tries to sing the Easter Alleluia. The answer he receives is not much better. #newsRphczqkxjbMore
A priest in a Polish Church tries to sing the Easter Alleluia. The answer he receives is not much better.
To jest sprawnie przeprowadzony montaż dźwiękowy, podkładu "śpiewu"
Niestety wielu się dało nabrać na ten wątpliwy "żart".
Dopowiem ku pokrzepieniu zrobionych "na szaro", że też dałem się nabrać tej chamskiej manipulacji.
Brother Timothy Marie shares this
The Spirit of the Liturgy.
Pope Benedict's VisionMore
The Spirit of the Liturgy.

Pope Benedict's Vision
.....and now we understand the passion of the RC Church for Gregorian Chant. Adapt your style to include it and better days lie ahead....
You don't need that free-standing Altar, the other is fine
Our Lord said of the end times
"When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand."
.....and now we understand the passion of the RC Church for Gregorian Chant. Adapt your style to include it and better days lie ahead....

You don't need that free-standing Altar, the other is fine

Our Lord said of the end times

"When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand."
[Matthew 24:15]

Much more information is given in Daniel

".....the victim and the sacrifice shall fail: and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the end."
[Daniel 9:27]

The Books of Maccabees mentions a pagan second altar placed up and against the Traditional Altar of Yahweh within the Temple and calls it "The Abomination of Desolation" At the same time, immoral practices and new liturgies were celebrated upon this new Altar.
During this same period, the Temple had been usurped by 5 False High Priests in a row.

An excellent video comparing the days of the Old Jewish Faith and exact resemblances occuring now just prior to Our Lord's second coming to judge the Living and the Dead (as He has announced privately to MANY Saints) He says that we are living in the End Times and He is due to return.

......... www.youtube.com/watch
Novella Nurney
Sooo, guess they weren't taught chant, or to play the organ, or reverence, or when it's better to keep silent. Sad,sad,sad.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Cardinal Nichols lying about the Government wanted the Churches shut down, now he is asking for donations, couldn't make it up
Novella Nurney
If Cardinal Nichols said anything wholly truthful, it would have been by sheer accident. He is a pathological liar.