
Francis Says His Breathing “Not Good”

Francis’ breathing is still “not good” and he is suffering from the effects of his recent anaesthesia, he told the Works of Aid to the Oriental Churches on June 22, Aleteia.org reported. He showed signs of fatigue and did not read a second speech. He underwent surgery for an abdominal hernia with a risk of obstruction was on June 7.

Jan Joseph
Laten wij bidden voor de gezondheid van onze Heilige Vader.
Hopefully, he will return to the true Church before he dies
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I've been texting my Uncle who is a Cardiologist in Los Angeles all day. He must be ready to punch me! 😂 Not really! He's a great Uncle, and an excellent Cardiologist. He also works as a PC (Personal Care Physician) for many patients. He has 2 offices, 1 in L.A., and the other in Alhambra, Ca. But I've been texting him about this issue of Pope Francis, and he said that this is NOT good.
He said,…More
I've been texting my Uncle who is a Cardiologist in Los Angeles all day. He must be ready to punch me! 😂 Not really! He's a great Uncle, and an excellent Cardiologist. He also works as a PC (Personal Care Physician) for many patients. He has 2 offices, 1 in L.A., and the other in Alhambra, Ca. But I've been texting him about this issue of Pope Francis, and he said that this is NOT good.
He said, generally, people recover from anathesia in 1-2-3 days....not 15 days or more like Bergoglio. He also said respiratory issues after major surgery is VERY common among elderly patients...and many don't survive surgeries...even minor ones. He's been a cardiologist for almost 21 years (He's 51) and has had 2-3 of his patients die within a day or 2 of operation because they were in their 80's and developed complications.
He said Bergoglio's fatigue MAY be from his respiratory problem, or a combination of cardiac issues/respiratory. If the lungs don't get enough oxygen, that effects the heart pumping, blood, brain, and everything, and one of the initial side effects can be fatigue. If not corrected if could lead to high BP, heart attack because the heart has to pump harder, and kidney failure and/or multiple organ failure (lungs, heart, kidneys).
He also said it is unlikely the respiratory issue Francis has is from the anesthesia at this date.....because he was fine meeting Sen. John Kerry (supposedly), but now not doing well today.
Lastly, he said that it could be from the surgery itself (strain on the body) which effects the heart as well as respiratory. He said some elderly people NEVER bounce back completely and some start to be dependant on 24 hr. oxygene. Sleeping laying flat makes it worse.
My uncle said he's not going to guess, or diagnose Bergoglio, but he has seen Francis' issue many times with very elderly patients...and they do not do well. The lack of proper oxygenation in the lungs is a massive issue for the heart, and often the elderly patient if they survive, just start going rapidly downhill.
After reading my Uncle's reports, I'd give Bergoglio 6 months. He may go to Portugal...but don't be surprised if he doesn't go to Mongolia.🤪