
Victory! Popular Uprising Against Homosex Rally

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced on August 27 that EuroPride, a homosex rally, will not take place in Belgrad on September 12-18.

The organisers expressed their “shock” and “defeat.” They had only met with government and city authorities on August 25 to plan the event.

Vučić excused his decision with tensions between Kosovo and Serbia although EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on August 27 that an agreement had been reached.

Vučić's reaction came after tens of thousands of people demonstrated against the controversial event in early August (video below).

Orthodox Bishops spoke of an abomination. Demonstrators cried, “We don’t want a homosex march and occupation by the West!” and “Keep your hands off our children”. Opposition leader Bosko Obradović spoke of “the biggest opposition protest in recent years.”


Bet many at the Vatican are sorely disappointed
Brother Timothy Marie shares this
Bravo Bishops and parents, bravo! And yes, keep your hands off our children, Homosex activists!
western europe and north america have been taken over by the globalist secularist wef
God bless Serbia!