
Vienna Cathedral: Vegans Mock Crucifixion. Pictures

An association against factory farming staged a mock crucifixion on Vienna's Stephansplatz on Wednesday of Holy Week, the day of the traitor Judas.

The activists wore chicken, pig and cow masks along with crosses.

They staged "animal stations of the cross" in front of photos of factory farms and slaughterhouses.

Opera 369
These 'people alternates' .. are always getting too much publicity. Best defense is TO IGNORE THEM COMPLETELY! All this permissiveness against Christian (Catholic) Icons, are all supported by the masonic PachaVatican! What else is new, nowadays? When the man dressed in white occupying the See of Peter, and all his maniacal hypocrites of followers leave...will be never too soon! Good riddance!
Why do people allow this?
Louis IX
This makes absolutely no sense. What does the Crucifixion have to do with factory farms?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Notice that there's only 4-5 of them, and no crowd of cheering supporters. Moreover, I'd be willing to bet that they are all LGBTQ's.