“Dear Baby Jesus, quickly come down to earth. You will bring joy to children. Also bring me joy. I would like a Volks-Schott (a Mass prayers book), green clothing for Mass (clerical clothing) and a heart of Jesus. I will always be good. Greetings from Joseph Ratzinger.”
– 7-year-old Joseph Ratzinger’s letter to Jesus (1934)

See what the future Benedict XVI asked for for Christmas when he was 7

HO | ERZBISTUM MUENCHEN UND FREISING | AFP The Ratzinger home must really have been a little Nazareth. Wow! Gift-giving is very much …
He should've also asked for clear thinking and courage.
Holy Cannoli
May our loving God bless Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.
i Love it ,its so sad that he had to leave the seat of Peter If he had stayed the confusions and heresies in vatican probably would not have not happened
Thors Catholic Hammer
As the present pope still reigning Benedict xvi s silence on the scattering of the flock by wolf in sheep’s clothing bergoglio is baffling.