
Anti-Catholic Hünermann Paved The Way To Francis’ Amoris Laetitia

German Father Peter Hünermann, the anti-Catholic theologian whom Benedict XVI criticised in a recent private letter, was received by Pope Francis in May 2015 for almost an hour in Santa Marta. According to …More
German Father Peter Hünermann, the anti-Catholic theologian whom Benedict XVI criticised in a recent private letter, was received by Pope Francis in May 2015 for almost an hour in Santa Marta.
According to commonwealmagazine.org (September 22, 2016), Hünermann had a "seismic theological impact" that stretches all the way to Francis' Amoris Laetitia providing Francis with a "theological justification” for de facto introduction of divorce into the Church.
Hünermann told commonwealmagazine.org that Amoris Laetitia opens the door for adulterers to receive Communion. He added that the topic of female deacons “was of great importance to me for over forty years”.
Angie W.
4christum.blogspot.ro/…/in-2004-uca-app… Authorities - Faculty of Theology Hünermann is also a member of the International Editorial Board Council of the UCA.
Biggest story here is Benedict XVI himself was betrayed who sent the letter as "personal and confidential: "Vatican bows to pressure, releases retired pope's letter"
Things that make you go, "Hmmm..." ☕