
Priest Ordained by McCarrick Names Him in Lawsuit

Ex-Priest Michael Reading, 61, a “counsellor,” alleged in a Tuesday lawsuit that then Newark Archbishop McCarrick, 91, a former Francis friend, slipped his hand inside his swimsuit resting it on his buttocks around the time he ordained Reading a priest (ApNews.com, November 23).

The allegation: McCarrick invited some seminarians [deacons?] in 1986 to his famous shore house. He told them to change into their swimsuits, then followed Reading, closed the door, and watched in silence as he, 26, undressed. Later, he touched him at the beach. The other seminarians were also present.

Reading says he informed Newark Cardinal Tobin three years ago “but never heard back.”

Among the problems of Reading’s account: McCarrick arrived in Newark on 25 July 1986. It is unlikely that weeks later he was at the beach with yet unknown seminarians because they were not in the seminary but on summer holidays.


Why didn’t he, at 26 (!) tell Uncle Ted to go fuck himself …? Beggars belief!
Dr Bobus
And the hits just keep on coming!
Jan Joseph
Homo sexualiteit, bah wat vies, is een doodzonde, iedere homo priester hoort teruggezet te worden in de leken stand.