
George Floyd: "Catholic" University Displays Petty Crook as "Christ"

The "Catholic" University of America features on campus two images depicting George Floyd - a petty crook who died from a drug overdose while being arrested by police - as "Jesus Christ" whom Our Lady is holding in her hands.

The representations are located in the Law School and the Campus Ministry office. The Episcopal artist Kelly Latimore has said repeatedly that his painting depicts "both" Floyd and Jesus.

A junior at CUA told DailySignal.com (November 22), that "the icon has no place at The Catholic University of America; it is blasphemous and an offence to the Catholic faith, but it is not surprising at all that it was put there.”


When I was preparing the text about Fr. W. Ledochowski - the Jesuit General I realized that in the 1920's and 1930's universities in USA were only nominally "Catholic" - there were plenty of Protestant, Jew or even atheist lecturers there.What do you expect after 100 years? A miracle?
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Would you like to introduce your " the text " about the Jesuit General on your page?
@가입을 원합니다
Here you are - in Polish:
PS: As far as I see - the text is too long to be translated by gloria.tv auto-translator so you'd better use google translate:
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@가입을 원합니다
Here you are - in Polish:

PS: As far as I see - the text is too long to be translated by gloria.tv auto-translator so you'd better use google translate:

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Even more gallingly, they insult the Blessed Mother with the comparison.. The Greek and Russian Orthodox have a solid case for"cultural appropriation" of their artistic style, too. But those politically-correct "crimes" never apply when leftists do them.
Rand Miller
Pearl clutching hypocrisy?
la verdad prevalece
Apostate Jude DeAngelo
la verdad prevalece
CIC 675 Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers.26 The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth27 will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of …More
CIC 675 Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers.26 The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth27 will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.28
Stop with the pearl clutching hypocrisy. If Holy Mother Church can Canonize a KNOWN sodomite like Pope Paul VI whose vile, unspeakable abominations were legion and globally renowned, and scandalously raise him to the altars along side of such paragons of holiness as Saint Padre Pio, then surely George Floyd can be depicted in a Pieta as the object of Our Lady’s mercy, compassion, love and comfortMore
Stop with the pearl clutching hypocrisy. If Holy Mother Church can Canonize a KNOWN sodomite like Pope Paul VI whose vile, unspeakable abominations were legion and globally renowned, and scandalously raise him to the altars along side of such paragons of holiness as Saint Padre Pio, then surely George Floyd can be depicted in a Pieta as the object of Our Lady’s mercy, compassion, love and comfort.
가입을 원합니다
Paul VI whose vile, unspeakable abominations were legion // ?
nuestrasenoradelasrosas.org/directives/d50.htm ?More
Paul VI whose vile, unspeakable abominations were legion // ?

nuestrasenoradelasrosas.org/directives/d50.htm ?
How very NewChurch that is
atreverse pensar
An aberration, and an affront to white victims of black violence.
Jan Joseph
Het is weer hetzelfde liedje, politiek en geloof worden weer door elkaar gehaald. Geloof en politiek is een zeer explosief mengsel, het geloof, God, het Goede gaat niet samen met het Kwade, de Duivel. God, het Goede is altijd in oorlog met het Kwade, de Duivel.
la verdad prevalece
The Apostate John Garvey, president of the "Catholic" University of America, defends the sacrilegious painting in which the Marxist icon George Floyd replaces Jesus Christ. Law School Icon letter to campus community | CUA (catholic.edu)
la verdad prevalece
Apostate John Garvey, president of the "Catholic" University of America:
"Mama" by Kelly Latimore was stolen from the law school, and we replaced it with a smaller print that was hanging in Campus Ministry. We hope to continue to build on campus a culture that engages in thoughtful dialogue and debate, not the sort of bully tactics epitomized by this theft.
Louis IX
The bully tactic was putting a blasphemous piece of garbage in what is supposed to be a Catholic institution, Johnny.
It is worthy to be displayed alongside beloved Bergoglian art i.e. "White Crucifixion" by Chagall.
Just because a bad thing happens to a bad and evil man that does not make him good or righteous. This is grotesque art. Imagine if Charles Manson were depicted as Christ in the arms of his prostitute mother as St. Mary.
philosopher, you might also want to look more carefully at "...a bad thing..." and make sure you have not been fooled by media propaganda.
@laurelmarycecilia I was a military police officer in the Army and we arrested a lot of intoxicated soldiers- some on drugs, and no one died on us, not one! There was no justification for a 10 minute knee on the neck once the suspect was handcuffed.
Defeat Modernism
This Modernist-Masonic 'university' should be renamed Anti-Catholic University. These people are EVIL, this is BLASPHEMY!
we all have been paying attention and know that this latest evil thing is SOP for Catholic University. You do remember it's part in Humanae Vita being deep sixed in America
Ursula Sankt
“I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope." -Ecclesiasticus 24:24